HBC203 TMA02 (Tutor-Marked Assignment 02) SUSS : July 2024 Presentation – Statistics and Data Analysis for the Social and Behavioural Sciences

Question 1

Part 1

People spend an inordinate amount of their leisure time immersing themselves in fictional worlds. When delving into these worlds, they enter a simulated reality, where they genuinely feel emotions triggered by the conflicts and relationships depicted in the story. Raymond thinks that even in the absence of direct social interactions, people who engage in this type of mental simulation can improve their social-cognitive skills, such as empathy. Following this line of thought, Raymond hypothesises that people who read more fiction are likely to be more empathetic than those who read less fiction. To investigate, he recruited 10 participants for a study.

Participants completed two tasks. The first was the Author Recognition Test (ART; Stanovich & West, 1989), which was used to assess participants’ reading habits. Participants were instructed to select names they recognised as fiction authors from a list of 50 spanning five genres, including thrillers, romance, and science fiction. These names were taken from the 2023 New York Times’ Best Sellers list. To deter random guessing, Raymond added 40 made-up names and told the participants that some names on the list were not genuine ones. He reasoned that participants who read more fiction would identify a greater number of genuine fiction authors than those who read less fiction.

The data from Raymond’s study are presented in the table below.

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Based on the study design, identify the most appropriate statistical test to conduct. Explain why this is the most appropriate statistical test by providing one reason in the context of this study. Then, assuming all the assumptions of the statistical test you identified are met and there are no concerns about small sample size, analyse the data using jamovi. Show the jamovi spreadsheet by taking a screenshot of the spreadsheet (i.e., what you see when you click the DATA tab) and pasting it in your answer. The jamovi spreadsheet should be correctly formatted. Further, copy and paste all the output necessary for interpretation of the results in your answer. To copy the output, either take a screenshot of the output (preferred) or right click on the respective table(s) and select Copy from the dropdown menu. Interpret fully the results of your data analysis with reference to the p values, the alpha level (using an alpha level of .05), and the test statistic. Remember to state whether the result is consistent or inconsistent with the hypothesis. You do NOT need to report the results in APA format for this question.

Part 2

Raymond told his colleague, Linda, the results of his study over lunch. Linda asked Raymond if he would be examining the effects of reading non-fiction as well. She argued that unlike fiction writers who describe interpersonal dynamics in their stories, non-fiction writers focus on conveying concepts or facts. As a result, non-fiction readers are unlikely to engage in the social simulations that fiction readers do. Therefore, Linda believed that reading nonfiction would have no effect on empathy. Raymond thought Linda’s line of reasoning was interesting and decided to test it by recruiting another 10 participants for a follow-up study.

As in the first study, participants completed the ART and the MIE. The only difference was that the names in the ART were replaced with those of nonfiction authors from five genres (i.e., philosophy, business, science, health, and spirituality).

The data from Raymond’s second study are presented in the table below.

Based on the study design, identify the most appropriate statistical test to conduct. Explain why this is the most appropriate statistical test by providing one reason in the context of this study. Then, assuming all the assumptions of the statistical test you identified are met and there are no concerns about small sample size, analyse the data using jamovi. Show the jamovi spreadsheet by taking a screenshot of the spreadsheet (i.e., what you see when you click the DATA tab) and pasting it in your answer. The jamovi spreadsheet should be correctly formatted. Further, copy and paste all the output necessary for interpretation of the results in your answer. To copy the output, either take a screenshot of the output (preferred) or right click on the respective table(s) and select Copy from the dropdown menu. Interpret fully the results of your data analysis with reference to the p values, the alpha level (using an alpha level of .05), and the test statistic. Remember to state whether the result is consistent or inconsistent with the hypothesis. You do NOT need to report the results in APA format for this question.

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Part 3

Identify and discuss three limitations of Raymond’s studies. (Limit your discussion to the details provided in Parts 1 and 2 of this question.) Describe in detail the changes you would make to the study to address each limitation. Explain how the proposed changes would address the limitations. Use at least one academic paper (i.e., journal article) to support the points raised in your response. Include the references (in APA style) at the end of your response for this section. (You may NOT mention sample size as a limitation as this has already been mentioned in the scenario.) (18 marks)

Question 2

Humans are social beings who rely on facial cues, like expressions, to understand each other’s emotions. These expressions show what someone is feeling inside and help them communicate. They also signal intentions and actions. Therefore, it is important that people are accurate at recognising different facial expressions.

Most studies examining people’s ability to recognise facial expressions use photographs that depict high-intensity expressions. However, in real life, emotions are often shown subtly. Because low- and moderate-intensity expressions are subtler, people may misidentify them more than their high-intensity equivalents.

Mark decided to conduct a study to find out whether people’s accuracy at identifying facial expressions vary as a function of the intensity of the expression. He used photographs from a database of 12 European American volunteers, who expressed 10 different emotions (i.e., anger, contempt, disgust, embarrassment, fear, happiness, neutral, pride, sadness, and surprise) with low-, moderate- and high-intensity. In total, he had 360 photographs (12 volunteers x 10 emotions x 3 intensities).

Next, Mark invited 20 European American participants to his laboratory. He presented the 360 photographs in random order one-by-one on the computer to each participant and asked them to identify the emotion depicted in the photographs. Participants were allowed to look at each photograph for only 500ms but could deliberate as long as they wanted. However, once they selected an answer, they could not change their answer subsequently.

After collecting the data from all 20 participants. Mark calculated the accuracy rate for lowintensity photographs by taking the total number of correct identifications divided by 120 and multiplied the result by 100%. He calculated the accuracy rate for the moderate- and highintensity photographs in the same way. The accuracy rates for all 20 participants are presented in the table below.

Based on the study design, identify the most appropriate statistical test to conduct. Explain why this is the most appropriate statistical test by providing three reasons in the context of this study. Then, assuming all the assumptions of the statistical test you identified are met and there are no concerns about small sample size, analyse the data using jamovi. Show the jamovi spreadsheet by taking a screenshot of the spreadsheet (i.e., what you see when you click the DATA tab) and pasting it in your answer. The jamovi spreadsheet should be correctly formatted. Further, copy and paste all the output necessary for interpretation of the results in your answer. To copy the output, either take a screenshot of the output (preferred) or right click on the respective table(s) and select Copy from the dropdown menu. Interpret fully the results of your data analysis with reference to the p values, the alpha level (using an alpha level of .05) and the descriptives. You do NOT need to report the results in APA format for this question.

Question 3

A sociologist is conducting an interview with a group of 110 Singaporean residents about how they are preparing for a possible recession in 2024. She observed that 56.36% of her interviewees are employed, 20% are unemployed, and 23.64% are outside the labour force. Because employment status (i.e., employed, unemployed, outside labour force) can have an impact on people’s preparations, she wants to ensure that her sample does not over-represent or under-represent any one group of people.

From the 2023 Labour Force Survey conducted by the Ministry of Manpower (actual report here), she found out that of 3,553,200 people, 2,352,300 people were employed, 83,900 people were unemployed and 1,117,000 people were outside the labour force. (This data was collected for individuals 15 years and older.)

Identify the most appropriate statistical test to conduct to determine if the proportion of people employed, unemployed, and outside labour force in the sociologist’s study is different from that in the Singapore population. Explain why it is the most appropriate statistical test by providing one reason in the context of this study. Then, assuming all the assumptions of the statistical test you identified are met, analyse the data using jamovi. Show the jamovi spreadsheet by taking a screenshot of the spreadsheet (i.e., what you see when you click the DATA tab) and pasting it in your answer. The jamovi spreadsheet should be correctly formatted. Further, copy and paste all the output necessary for interpretation of the results in your answer. To copy the output, either take a screenshot of the output (preferred) or right click on the respective table(s) and select Copy from the dropdown menu. Interpret fully the results of your data analysis with reference to the p values, the alpha level (using an alpha level of .05) and the descriptives. Report the results in APA format (using an alpha level of .05). Include any caveats, if necessary, to the interpretation of the results.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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