LOG360 GBA (Group-based Assignment) SUSS : July 2024 Semester – Solutions Design for Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Question 1

In the context of BCC and its products, demonstrate the potential application each of the four options (OPT, G2P AMR, S2P AMR and ASRS) shortlisted above for fulfilment of tiles. Your answer should discuss within 600 words:

(a) Key features of each option

(b) Advantages of each option, and

(c) Disadvantages of each option

Question 2

Based on your discussions with BCC, you have narrowed down the choices to Options 1 and 2, i.e. the OTP and Goods-to-Person AMR solution. For each of these two options, develop a set of analysis for process flows, throughput and capacity requirements for Tiles Supermart. Your answer should include:

(a) A set of swim-lane diagrams for the outbound process, including the key action parties or workstations (e.g. customer, OPT driver or AMR, packer).

(b) Calculations for the number of carton positions needed and cartons throughput.

(c) Estimates of the number of working hours required for resources (labour and equipment), in the inbound, putaway, picking, packing and outbound processes.

(d) Estimates of the number of each type of resources(workers, OPTs and AMRs) required, based on the template in Table 3.

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Question 3

Compare the costs between Options 1 and 2 and recommend which is better. Your spreadsheet costing model (in Excel format) must be submitted and be based on the template in Table 4. Your discussion should also address the following questions:

(a) What are the aisle widths (in metres) required?

(b) How much rack shelving (length in metres) and hence floor space (in square metres) are required?

(c) What are the total cost comparisons over five years?

(d) Which option would you recommend? Why?

Question 4

Based on the option that you have recommended in Question 3, design the layout (with a sketch that is approximately to scale) for a single storey warehouse to meet Tiles Supermart’s requirements. Your answer should include (with justifications):

(a) Checks on floor loading and recommended floor levelness/flatness ratings

(b) Number and location of dock doors

(c) Alignment/orientation of racks and optimal column spacing

(d) Layout and location of conveyors

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Reference no: EM132069492

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