BPM209 TMA02 (Tutor-Marked Assignment Two) SUSS : July 2024 Presentation – Cost Management for C&S Works

Question 1

(a) Explain the meaning of “deemed to be included” and its implication on pricing as used in CP 97.

(b) Identify the clauses and explain the extra works/labours that are deemed to be included in the description and measurement of:

(i) Bored piles

(ii) Structural Steelwork

(c) Explain what is meant by minimum deduction rule and how it is applied when measuring concrete work. (Students need to cite and identify relevant CEMS clauses and provide diagrams and examples to illustrate answer).

Question 2

With reference to Figures Q2.1 and Q2.2, interpret the drawings and scope of the C & S works.

(a) Apply measurement technique to prepare a take-off list, cite the relevant clauses from CP 97 for measuring the excavation, concrete and brick works including associated damp-proof materials.

(b) Apply measurement technique to take off quantities for the excavation works.

(c) Apply measurement technique to take off quantities for the concrete, formwork and hard-core layer including reinforcement

(d) Apply measurement technique to take off quantities for the brick wall and damp proofing materials. (Note: Brick wall is to be measured up to the damp proof course level).

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Question 3

With reference to Figures Q3.1 and Q3.2, interpret the drawings and scope of the C & S works.

(a) Apply measurement technique to take off quantities for the steel Lattice Girder (Assume eight sets of girders, each 2.50 m high. The bearing level of the steel truss is at 6.50 m above the existing ground level).

(b) Apply measurement technique to take off quantities for the steel portal frame structure (Assume seven sets of portal frame).

Figure Q2.1 – Plan of proposed brick wall enclosure

Figure Q2.2 – Section of proposed brick wall enclosure

Figure Q3.1 – Lattice Girde

Figure Q3.2 – Steel Portal Frame

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Reference no: EM132069492

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