PSY213 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS : July Semester 2024 – Mental Health and Well-being in Singapore

Question 1: Informational Poster

Please read the following scenario and design a one-page A4 informational poster on mental health and well-being:

You are part of a nationwide Mental Health Taskforce that aims to destigmatise and promote help-seeking behaviours among Singaporeans.

As more doctors become equipped with skills needed to provide basic psychological aid, your team hopes to tackle stigma surrounding help-seeking so that elderly patients will reach out to their family physicians about mental health issues.

You aim to develop a one-page informational poster to be placed in various clinics that would reach out to senior citizens and their caregivers.

In the poster, you must address the following:

Identify possible common mental health conditions that senior citizens may develop.
Describe the factors that influence mental health among the elderly in Singapore.
Appraise how senior citizens can seek help from family physicians and other sources of help.

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Question 2: Essay

This question contains two sub-parts (a) and (b), based on the scenario below.

It was midnight on a Friday night, and you were reading a book when you received a phone call from your friend, Sarah. Sarah, a senior consultant in a management consulting firm, was working on a project for a client which was due that weekend. She was a highly perfectionistic individual who would work excessively long hours to prepare for her presentations. This often meant that Sarah survived on little sleep until her project was completed. Sarah’s boss, Cole, was a very critical person, who had the habit of pointing out the many ways in which Sarah did not meet his expectations despite her best efforts to do so. From your previous conversation with her, Sarah shared that she constantly experienced an overwhelming sense of fear and helplessness. She had trouble sleeping and had lost interest in going for evening walks, which used to be her favourite leisure activity.

You picked up the call, and the following conversation transpired:

Sarah (sobbing): I don’t think I can do this anymore. I am always exhausted. I am never good enough for this job and I don’t know how much longer I can go on like this.

(a) Select how you would respond to the conversation with one of the following options:

A. No matter what you decide to do, I will be here for you.

B. You need to leave your toxic job immediately.

C. You are under a lot of stress, Sarah. How can I work this through with you together?

D. Sarah, stop doing work now. It’s only a job.

Demonstrate basic competencies of facilitation by writing an essay explaining your decision. Provide an elaboration of your response to better support your selected option.

(b) After your reply to Sarah, the conversation continued as follows:

Read the required reading by the World Health Organization (2020):

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Reference no: EM132069492

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