PSY265 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS : July Semester 2024- Health Psychology

Question 1

Given the rising rates of obesity in Singapore, develop a proposal for a weight management intervention targeting the working adult population, specifically aged between 30 and 59. This proposal will be presented to the senior management of a multi-national company. Ensure that you choose and apply one health psychology theoretical framework/ theory/model to justify and guide your plan. The proposal should describe the intervention plan with the following information.

1. Explain risk factors of obesity and the objectives/intended outcomes of the program.

2. Venue of intervention

3. Duration of each session and number of sessions

4. Content covered in each session

5. Mode of delivery

6. Strategy to ensure sustainability of behaviour

Question 2

Appraise the effectiveness of the chosen theoretical framework/model used to develop your intervention. Explain how effective or not effective the chosen framework was in guiding your intervention based on the intended outcomes.

Question 3

Assuming that the company has agreed to your proposal and is now in the midst of the intervention, develop an A4 size poster to encourage and nudge employees to sustain the behaviour modifications. This poster should include practical tips that employees can follow at the workplace or even at home.

This poster can be developed using Powerpoint/ Canva and must fit into a single A4-sized page. References, if any, can be presented in a separate reference list. The reference list does not need to be within the poster. However, in text-citations (if any), should be included in the poster.

Please note that if images/photos are used, ensure that these will not be perceived as offensive by members of the public and always maintain anonymity and confidentiality (i.e., no facial recognition). You will need to save your poster in JPEG/PNG format and insert it after your answer to Question 2.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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