The purpose of Journals is to give you a space to write freely about your reactions to the chapter readings. Although it is not the focus for the journal assignments, you are strongly recommended to follow

Discussion – What is service?

(Please read assigned chapters first. You will need to refer to the text.)

Required Textbook Readings

Syllabus ReviewRead Bordoloi (Ch1 and 2), Zeithaml (Ch1) (WLO 1, 2)


Required Text:

1) Bordoloi, S., Fitzsimmons, J. A., & Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2019). Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology. McGraw-Hill Education.

2) Zeithaml, V. A., M. J. Bitner, & D. D. Gremler. (2018). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm (7th edition). McGraw-Hill.


Assignment Part 1

Make a list of five occupations that can be considered as part of the service industry? Think outside of the hotel and restaurant industry. Then, support your argument based on the characteristic of service discussed in the text

Assignment – Journal


The purpose of Journals is to give you a space to write freely about your reactions to the chapter readings. Although it is not the focus for the journal assignments, you are strongly recommended to follow APA guidelines in preparation for the Capstone. Make sure you include in-text citations including the page number, as we have two required textbooks.


General Instructions:

Create a journal entry for each week. One journal entry for a weekly topicFor each journal entry, write at least one full paragraph (i.e., 3+ sentences) for each of the three prompts below. Include details to demonstrate that you are connecting the reading material with personal experiences and understandings.Each journal entry is worth 100 possible points graded based on the criteria listed below.

Required Textbook Readings

Syllabus ReviewRead Bordoloi (Ch1 and 2), Zeithaml (Ch1) (WLO 1, 2)


Required Text:

1) Bordoloi, S., Fitzsimmons, J. A., & Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2019). Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology. McGraw-Hill Education.

2) Zeithaml, V. A., M. J. Bitner, & D. D. Gremler. (2018). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm (7th edition). McGraw-Hill.


Assignment part 2 Journal Entry


Writing Prompts for Each Journal Entry:

Something that gave you an AHA! momentSomething that triggered your emotionsSomething that you’re still wondering



Reference no: EM132069492

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