Manage Innovation And Continuous Improvement Assessment 3 Assessment – BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking.

Manage Innovation And Continuous Improvement

Assessment 3

Assessment – BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking. This forms part of your assessment for BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement.

Activity 1A

Performance Criteria

PC 1.1    Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance and sustainability of key systems and processes

Case Study

XYZ Corporation is a multinational organization that operates in various sectors, providing products and services globally. To ensure the efficient functioning of its critical systems and to maintain a competitive edge, and to achieve sustainability in operations, the company wants to have strategies to monitor and evaluate the performance of the key systems. Key systems of the organisation are identified as supply chain management, customer relationship management, IT infrastructure and Enterprise resource planning (ERP).

Question 1.

How XYZ corporation framed probable strategies to monitor and evaluate the performance and sustainability of the key systems? Explain. (Word limit 200 words).

Activity 1B

Performance Criteria

PC 1.2    Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, and operational, product and service delivery systems


Undertake an analysis of supply chains, operation, product and service delivery systems for an E- Commerce company.

Instructions for students

Undertake the whole process of supply chain for an E commerce company, starting from receiving the order from customers to deliver the order/product/services to customer. Include all the stakeholders, institutions and internet platforms that come into picture.


Performance Criteria

PC 1.3    Identify performance measures, and assessment tools and techniques, and evaluate their effectiveness

Case Study

Imagine you work for Cello retail company that sells electronic gadgets and appliances. The company operates several physical stores across different cities, and they also have an e-commerce website for online sales. The sales team is crucial to the company’s success, as they drive revenue and customer satisfaction. The company’s management has noticed a decline in sales performance over the past few months. They want to identify the factors contributing to this decline and implement measures to improve the sales team’s performance.

Question 1.

Identify any 3 factors to measure the performance of sales team and the techniques to measure the performance. Also mention the points to evaluate the effectiveness of the sale team performance.


Performance Criteria

PC 1.4    Analyse performance reports and variance from plans for key result areas of the organisation


XYZ online company based in Australia sells gift, note that in Mid-December holiday season falls. Analyse the performance (Trend report data) from below graph data showing website traffic during last 6 month (October 2020- March 21). The graph below is indicating (x axis=month duration and Y axis=Number of viewers.)


Manufacturing overhead costs were budgeted (planned) to be $400,000 but were actually cost (variance) $393,000. Find out the Manufacturing overhead  budget variance. Answer whether Manufacturing overhead  budget variance is favorable or unfavorable (Key result area). Calculate variance from plans for key result areas of the organisation.


Performance Criteria

PC 1.5    Identify and analyse changing trends and opportunities relevant to the organisation

Case scenario

Let’s consider a food delivery company called “Delightful Dine,” specialist in organic food chain line, which operates in several major cities of Australia. They offer an online platform and mobile app that connects customers with local restaurants, allowing them to order food for delivery or pickup to keep up the pace with competition, changing customer demands and meeting up the revenues.


Identify and analyse changing trends and opportunities relevant to the “Delightful Dine” organisation.

Activity 1F

Performance Criteria

PC 1.6    Seek advice from specialists, where appropriate, to identify technology and electronic commerce opportunities


Seek advice from specialist to identify technology and electronic commerce opportunities.

Instruction to learners

To complete Question 1, perform Role play-you are required to seek advice from head of E commerce Services and digital web manager regarding identifying the e commerce and technological opportunities exist in your business, considering you are running an online software selling business and you need to seek advice regarding the opportunities which are here in your business. In a group of 2-3 people or as instructed by your trainer, play the role. This activity will be observed by the assessor, please make sure that you

• Confirm that all the members have gone through the instruction.

• verbally explain questions to group members

• Focus on oral communication

• seek advice by showing teamwork and cooperation.

• engage in a two-way conversation and uses active listening and questioning techniques to confirm understanding

• maintains an appropriate tone, body language, and eye contact with the audience.

• Use formal language which appropriates the context discussed

Instruction to Assessor

To complete Questions 1, Assessors are required to follow the instruction below.

• Learners are required to make a group of 2-3 people; learner is to play the role of business man having online software selling business and seek advice from head of E commerce Services and digital web manager.

• Learners are required to seek advice using language and feature appropriate to group members.

• Learners are encouraged to focus on oral communication.

• Learners are required to seek advice by showing teamwork and cooperation.

• Assessors are required to complete an observation checklist for this activity.

• Observation checklist for this activity is attached after activity 1F.

Reference no: EM132069492

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