PSY391 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS : July Semester 2024 – Applied Research Methods and Statistics

Question 1

Research Proposal

“Singapore is making significant moves to improve mental health and well-being among residents, with the promise of more resources to meet demand…

From the sharp rise in mental health issues due to COVID-19 to the formation of the Interagency Taskforce on Mental Health and Well-being in 2021, and the launch of Singapore’s National Mental Health and Well-being Strategy last year – the parliamentary discourse and debate last week was a fruitful culmination of the issues and the strategies.

Singapore’s emphasis on developing programmes, initiatives and capacity for improving mental health and well-being of its people is commendable, and we are making strong progress towards the World Health Organization’s Mental Health Action Plan for 2030 to (1) strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health; (2) provide comprehensive, integrated and responsive mental health and social care services in community-based settings; (3) implement strategies for promotion and prevention in mental health; and (4) strengthen information systems, evidence and research for mental health…”

Source: Tan, C (2024, February 15). Commentary: Improving mental health in Singapore is a long journey. CNA.

As mentioned in the above article, Singapore is moving towards developing programmes, initiatives and capacity for improving mental health and well-being. Assume that you have been appointed by the Ministry of Health to prepare a research proposal that applies your knowledge in research methods and statistics to examine the factors associated with mental health. Your proposed research should look at the factors from only one of these perspectives:

1. Precipitating factors for poor mental health

2. Maintaining factors for poor mental health

3. Factors that can help improve mental health

Findings from the proposed research will provide justification to support decision-making for programs and initiatives. Your research methodology should be either quantitative or qualitative in nature. You should not do a mixed-method design.

Your research proposal should include the following sections and should not exceed 2,500 words in total (excluding references and appendices).

Introduction and Literature Review
Research question and hypothesis (if applicable)
Proposed data analysis
Appendices (where appropriate)

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General Guide

Introduction and Literature Review 

The introduction should focus on a broad introduction to the topic, followed by focusing on recent research and the existing literature on the topic. Critically appraise the literature and use it to identify the main constructs and variables, and the theory behind your intention to include these variables in your research. The literature review should flow logically and be aligned to your research question and hypothesis. The research question should be clearly stated, variables operationalised, and hypothesis stated. Note: remember to align your research question and hypothesis to the literature review.


This section should cover the proposed:

(1) research design,

(2) participants (i.e., target population, sampling method, sample characteristics and size),

(3) materials,

(4) procedure, and

(5) ethical considerations.

Each of these should be a sub-section with its own sub-heading under the Methodology section. As this is an applied research and statistics module, a detailed elaboration of this section is expected and required for this ECA. It is suggested that you allocate 30-40% of the total word count to this section. Please ensure your methodology is appropriate for the approach used (i.e., use quantitative methodology for quantitative study, qualitative methodology for qualitative study). Do note to include all measures/materials used as an appendix.

Proposed Data Analysis and Discussion

You are not required to run any data analysis. Briefly describe the appropriate analyses that should be conducted based on your research question and hypothesis (e.g., descriptive/inferential statistics to analyse your data).

Assume that your results support your hypothesis. Interpret and report the results and discuss briefly the implications and interpretation of the results, and evaluate the possible limitations of your study. You should not discuss limitations such as sample size that could have been included or changed.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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