COM278 The Client Brief – Digital Communications Strategy, Assignment, MU

The client for this assessment is Food From the Heart Singapore
The website is:

For the duration of this brief ‘the client’ refers to ‘Food From The Heart Singapore’.(FFTHR)

Students are reminded that they are NOTto contact the client directly.
Groups can choose to focus their report on no more than THREEof the following requests from the client. This will ensure a focused and well-researched pitch.
Groups MUSTinclude Digital Communications theory references from the unit book list across their presentations. This demonstrates to the client that the presentation is based on acquired knowledge, extensive research and appropriate theory to support the ideas proposed.
Groups should use the TEN POINT PLANas a basis for their presentation – A copy of this plan will be made available on MyUnits
Regarding point 9 of the Ten Point Plana hypothetical budget of $20,000 Singapore is assigned to all groups, BUT it must come from donations, grants, sponsorship, gifts-in-kind or a mix of these which the students need to identify clearly in this section.
Needs Gant Chart.
Data can be presented using pie charts.
The Client wants to increase their audience of professional services – professional bodies with clients who may need to access the service.
The Client is not sure that people in need of their services have access to knowledge regarding how they can be helped. For example, many people are homeless and do not have access to computers or the internet. What suggestions do you have to address this issue?
The Client needs to increase quality food donations to support its work. How can it a) increase the food donations and b) ensure that food is of a nutritional benefit to its clients. What partnerships can you suggest?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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