Public Policy Evaluation Background: Throughout this course, you have critiqued the development and influence of public policy, appraised specific justice and security issues facing American society

Public Policy Evaluation Background: Throughout this course, you have critiqued the development and influence of public policy, appraised specific justice and security issues facing American society, and, in this final week, evaluated potential conflicts involving public policy and civil rights. In the field, you will need to communicate the results of your analysis in a way that guides stakeholders through your process, extends understanding of your conclusions, and provokes questions and ideas that pave the way for future research and progress. STEP 1: Note – You have already drafted an executive summary in Week 5 to use as an introduction for your final narrative. Therefore, begin your paper with this document after you have incorporated any feedback that I provided you in that document. STEP 2: Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word addendum, in full APA format, to your executive summary in which you describe the policy you have researched and answer the following questions: Executive Summary from Week 5 with any corrections made based on my feedback Where is this policy or program in effect? Who is in charge of writing this policy? Who oversees the enforcement of this policy? How long has it been in effect? What is the goal of the policy? Who does it benefit? Explain how this policy or program impacts civil rights. Does this policy affect one group of individuals more than another? Why or why not? Explain any changes you would make to this policy to improve potential civil rights conflicts. Provide data to support your suggestions. Conclusion recapping all of the paper’s major points STEP 3: Cite a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your assignment. STEP 4: Include an APA-formatted reference page; use the previous Executive Summary as your introduction and draft a new conclusion that recaps all the paper’s major points. STEP 5: Format your executive summary according to APA guidelines. STEP 6: Review Safe Assign Similarity Report- if it is over 22% (excluding cover page, level headers, and reference page), revise to meet this requirement, and resubmit your paper as many times as needed to get Safe Assign results. STEP 7: Submit your assignment

Reference no: EM132069492

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