You have been asked to create a series of trainings or professional learning community (PLC) sessions focused on the legal and ethical issues for individual responsibility in the use of technology. The goal is to ensure that

The legal and ethical use of technology is an everchanging landscape for educational leaders. Ensuring that all personnel are well-informed about legal and ethical best practices for the use of technology is an essential function of successful leadership.

Imagine you are one of the primary leaders in the organization where you currently work or are most interested in working. Over the past year there have been a number of issues and complaints related to staff members’ adherence to legal and ethical practices specific to the use of technology. There have been complaints about staff accessing personal social media pages and websites while at work using their work computers. Additionally, several staff members have posted what the organization deems inappropriate content on their personal media pages and there have been a few incidents of inappropriate content on the organization’s public media pages. 

You have been asked to create a series of trainings or professional learning community (PLC) sessions focused on the legal and ethical issues for individual responsibility in the use of technology.The goal is to ensure that all staff members understand the organizational policies and expectations related to the use of technology.The training is scheduled to take place over four weeks with one 30-45 minute meeting per week.Each meeting should focus on a different aspect of legal and ethical technology use.

The organizational leadership team has asked to see a detailed outline of what you plan to address in each session. Create a handout of 750-1,000 words that addresses the following for each of the four meetings:

Meeting topic title and summary.Rationale for selection of the topic.Explanation of an interactive activity you will do with attendees during the session to reinforce the topic content. Include specific handouts and a summary of any additional resources needed for the session.Reflective questions or other attendee exit ticket deliverable requirements that those attending the session must submit to the presenter prior to leaving the session. Include a rationale for why the deliverable was selected.A final wrap-up survey or activity will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the meetings in clarifying legal and ethical individual responsibility in the use of technology.

Reference no: EM132069492

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