Ava is a seven-year-old girl, the second of two children of a middle-class family living in a suburban area of a northwest city. Ava has one sister that is two years older than she is. Her mother’s pregnancy was norma

Ava is a seven-year-old girl, the second of two children of a middle-class family living in a suburban area of a northwest city. Ava has one sister that is two years older than she is. Her mother’s pregnancy was normal, with no complications and Ava’s birth was normal. Ava had colic the first three months, cried extensively and was difficult to comfort. After three months, she became passive and cried very little with comfort from her mother. Her growth and development appeared to be normal. She met all the developmental milestones her first three years. She interacted normally with her sister and parents, except that she would become tearful and anxious when her parents would get a babysitter.

At age four, she was in nursery school and appeared to function normally except during the first month when Ava had difficulty when her father would drop her off at school. The nursery school was a small private school with a lot of personal attention given to each child. Although shy, she made friends and liked going to nursery school after she became adjusted to the new setting. Her parents liked the school so much that they decided to keep Ava in kindergarten at this school with her same teachers and friends. However, tuition at the school became a problem after Ava’s mother became sick with lupus and was unable to work.

At age six, Ava’s parents enrolled her in first grade at the public elementary school in their neighborhood. For the last two weeks, she has refused to go to school and has missed six school days. She began routinely brushing her hair before bed and insisted on making sure each side was brushed with an even number of strokes. She also had her mother tuck her in bed on the right side and her father come after on the left side each night. She would become very tearful and upset if the routine was not followed. She is awake almost all night worrying about going to school and asks the same questions over and over about the environment, teachers, and other students. As the start of the school day approaches, she cries and screams that she cannot go, chews holes in her shirt, pulls her hair, digs at her face, punches the wall, throws herself on the floor, as well as experiences headaches, stomachaches, and vomiting. Over the past two weeks, she has become gloomy, has stopped reading for fun, and frequently worries about her mother’s Lupus and that she may die. She asks her every night if she has dreamed about her funeral. In addition, Ava is phobic of dogs, avoids speaking and writing in public, and wets the bed every night.

Her parents immediately made an appointment to see her PCP. Her doctor conducted a thorough physical exam, found no physical abnormalities and then referred her to you, a Family PMHNP.

Family history of mental health includes the following: mother has a history of panic disorder; her father has a history of treatment with medications for ADHD as a child; and she has a cousin diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome.








For your assignment, write a paper that addresses the following prompts using evidence-based references to support your answers:

Summarize the case.What is your provisional diagnosis, as well as the possible differentials?Justify your answer with DSM-5 criteria (be short, brief and to the point).Is Ava too young to diagnose, or is there a basis for early identification and intervention?What psychiatric scales or assessment tools might you use with this patient? With the parents? List and describe briefly.What would be your treatment plan for medications, if any? If you do choose to offer medication as part of the treatment plan, please address the following medications issues:Target symptomsReceptors affectedPsychiatric and system effectsPossible parental concernsWhat would be your school-based treatment plan, if any?What would be the implications for the families of children and adolescents with these diagnostic pictures?How does the mother’s health play into the picture of Ava’s diagnosis? What type of therapy would you recommend for Ava (and her family) to work through her issues?Identify resources for patients/families with this diagnosis in the form of community groups, web-sites, advocacy, as well as treatment resources available in your service area.What are you worried about (if anything)? Consider this question in terms of treatment, assessment, alliance, compliance, effectiveness, safety, and other factors.


Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Level III Max

Points: 15

Level II Max

Points: 13

Level I Max

Points: 9

Not Present

0 Points

Content of Paper

      Demonstrates a well-articulated
understanding of the subject matter in a clear, complex, and informative

      Develops content and theories are well

      Links content to the paper requirements and practical

      Includes relevant material that fulfills all
objectives of the paper

      Uses scholarly resources that were not provided
in the course materials

      Completes all instruction requirements

      Demonstrates an understanding of
the subject matter

      Explains and applies knowledge
of evidence-based practice, ethics, theory, and/or role

      Uses a variety of scholarly resources from
the course material and some that were not provided in the course materials

      Includes relevant material that
fulfills all objectives of the paper.

      Completes all instruction requirements

      Demonstrates a moderate
understanding of the subject matter

      Summarizes content with minimal
application to evidence-based practice, theory, or role-development

      Presents content but is missing
depth and or development

      Uses only scholarly resources
that were provided in the course materials
Completes most instruction

      Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 2

Level III Max

Points: 15

Level II Max

Points: 13

Level I Max

Points: 9

Not Present

0 Points

Analysis and Synthesis of Paper Content and

      Provides critical analysis in an accurate,
clear, concise, and complete presentation of the required content

      Synthesizes information from scholarly

      Provides new information or insight related
to the context of the assignment with both supportive and alternative
information or viewpoints

      Completes all instruction requirements

      Provides evidence of further synthesis of
course content via scholarly resources

      Synthesizes information to help fulfill
paper requirements

      Supports content with at least one

      Completes all instruction requirements

      Lacks clarification or new

      Supports content with scholarly
reference without adding any new information or insight

      Provides content that may be
confusing or unclear, and the summary may be incomplete

      Completes most instruction requirements

      Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 3

Level III Max

Points: 10

Level II Max

Points: 8

Level I Max

Points: 6

Not Present

0 Points

Application of Knowledge

      Offers a multidisciplinary
approach via scholarly resources

      Applies practice that is
accurate and plausible

      Supports practice with
additional scholarly resources

      Answers all questions posed
within the assignment in a well-developed manner with citations for

      Completes all instruction requirements

      Presents a summary of the
paper’s content, findings, and knowledge gained

      Indicates how the information
will be used within their professional practice

      Completes all instruction requirements

      Lacks objective criteria

      Applies superficial bridge
between the assignment and the broader course content

      Indicates how they will apply
this new knowledge to their clinical practice in a vague manner

      Completes most instruction requirements

      Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 4

Level III Max

Points: 5

Level II Max

Points: 4

Level I Max

Points: 3

Not Present

0 Points


      Provides well-organized content with a clear
and complex purpose statement and content argument

      Provides concise writing with a logical flow
of ideas

      Provides organized content with
an informative purpose statement and supportive content and summary statement

      Provides argument content with
minimal issues in content flow

      Provides poor organization, and
flow of ideas distract from content

      Provides a purpose statement

      Provides narrative that is
difficult to follow and frequently causes reader to reread work

      Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 5


Level III Max

Points: 5

Level II Max

Points: 4

Level I Max

Points: 3

Not Present

0 Points

College-level academic writing

no more than three grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do not
interfere with the readability

the assignment length requirements


no more than four grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors that do
not interfere with the readability

the length requirements


five or more grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors makes
understanding parts of assignment difficult, but does not interfere with

the length requirements

not meet the criteria

Total Points





Total Points

43 points minimum

31 points minimum

1 point minimum



Updated 2/2/2021

Reference no: EM132069492

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