Using the case study and professional code of ethics you chose for the project proposal, you will do the following:Introduce the audience to the key problems and issues of the case.Analyze the ethical components of the case.To do this, you…
Get Help- Multicultural/Diversity competence is explored extensively in the School of Counseling graduate programs. Considering that having a cultural or implicit bias is a
Multicultural/Diversity competence is explored extensively in the School of Counseling graduate programs. Considering that having a cultural or implicit bias is a normal experience for all individuals, identify a closely held value or belief that will be the most difficult…
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop a presentation for a local community organization, which provides an overview of ethical standards and relevant policy is
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to develop a presentation for a local community organization, which provides an overview of ethical standards and relevant policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Completing this assessment will strengthen your understanding…
Your research paper needs to be based on research from three academic peer reviewed articles from U.S. based criminal justice and criminology scholarly journals. Therefore, the assignment requires three academic peer reviewed article
A. Your research paper needs to be based on research from three academic peer reviewed articles from U.S. based criminal justice and criminology scholarly journals. Therefore, the assignment requires three academic peer reviewed articles from U.S. scholarly journals. DO NOT…
You will choose a locality familiar to you and identify one public health need within this area. You will highlight the implications for healthcare for this public health need. Additionally for your selected health need you will identify
The Report Written Assessment The written assignment for Module 2 is a 3000 word Health Needs Assessment reviewing local, national and world health patterns and wellbeing outcomes. You will choose a locality familiar to you and identify one public health need…
Evidence-Based Practice Project: Intervention Presentation on Diabetes Part 1 This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. This assignment is to be completed in a group,
Evidence-Based Practice Project: Intervention Presentation on Diabetes Part 1This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. This assignment is to be completedin a group, which will be assigned by your instructor.As a group, identify two research or evidence-based articles published…
GET HELP- Infographic Creation and App/Software Reflective Review General Instructions: An Infographic is a graphic, visual representation of information, data, and/or knowledge intend
Infographic Creation and App/Software Reflective Review General Instructions: An Infographic is a graphic, visual representation of information, data, and/or knowledge intended to present information quickly, clearly, and accurately. There are three basic types of infographics: • Basic: 1) Title/Headline, 2)…
5.2 Discussion. Application of Measurement Getting Started In working with clients, you may find it useful to have them complete some sort of assessment or questionnaire, depending on the
5.2 Discussion. Application of Measurement Getting StartedIn working with clients, you may find it useful to have them complete some sort of assessment or questionnaire, depending on the client’s goals and the type of information you would find useful to…
5.3 Assignment. Differentiate Life Coaching from Therapy Getting Started As you may well be aware, stereotypes and misinformation abound about both therapy and life coaching
5.3 Assignment. Differentiate Life Coaching from TherapyGetting StartedAs you may well be aware, stereotypes and misinformation abound about both therapy and life coaching. And because life coaching is a newer field and profession than psychotherapy, many people have only a…
5.4 Assignment. Capstone Reflection Journal – Outlining Your Project Getting Started REMEMBER
5.4 Assignment. Capstone Reflection Journal – Outlining Your ProjectGetting StartedREMEMBER, this assignment in this workshop is separate from your TED-style talk assignment. The TED talk and the Capstone Project are two separate projects that you will be working on, refining,…