Locate as many works of criticism or scholarship as you can that might be relevant to your topic. Find a mixture of books, journal articles, web pages, and internet sources. Avail yourself of the various research databases MCCC has access…
INSTRUCTIONS FOR JOURNAL Real World Application of Psychology Over the course of the semester, you will keep a journal (with at least 5 entries) of real world examples of things that we discuss or read in the course.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR JOURNAL Real World Application of Psychology Over the course of the semester, you will keep a journal (with at least 5 entries) of real world examples of things that we discuss or read in the course. Each journal…
Module 1 Assignment Overview During this learning module, you will explore the ideas of some of the world’s great behavioral and cognition theorists and apply their theories to your work as an educator.
Module 1 Assignment Overview During this learning module, you will explore the ideas of some of the world’s great behavioral and cognition theorists and apply their theories to your work as an educator. From B. F. Skinner’s behaviorism theories, the…
GET ANSWER- After watching the Risk Formula video in this week’s Reading & Viewing assignments, pick a local organization that would be considered part of the Critical Infrastructure
Discussion Prompt: Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources After watching the Risk Formula video in this week’s Reading & Viewing assignments, pick a local organization that would be considered part of the Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) that may benefit…
Task – Identify four sourcing approaches, and for each one, identify and explain how you apply them to a category of spend within your organisation. Choose one of these categories and develop a supplier appraisal check list.
Module Title – Sourcing Essentials Task – Identify four sourcing approaches, and for each one, identify and explain how you apply them to a category of spend within your organisation. Choose one of these categories and develop a supplier appraisal…
Design evidence-based interventions to mitigate population health risks. Your disaster management plan should provide the specific steps of your plan to reduce risks of infection during the natural or manmade
Title: Disaster Management Plan Presentation Tools and technology: PowerPoint Written communication: Make sure your writing is succinct and clear, and is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Speaker notes: Submit your PowerPoint (or similar file) and include…
Write a comparison-and-contrast essay that examines two criminological theories, which will be Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory and Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory.
Format includes: Document: Use letter size paper, 1-inch margins on all sides Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font size, double-spaced Style: APA 7th Edition Write a comparison-and-contrast essay that examines two criminological theories, which will be Albert Bandura’s Social…
Overview: Change Theories Project Each student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. You will begin by selecting one of
Change Theories ProjectNote: You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. If you do not submit a PowerPoint slide presentation you will not receive…
Homework- NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators Assessment 4 Instructions: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 4: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators Assessment 4 Instructions: Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators PRINT Prepare an 3 pages (8-10 minute audio training tutorial (video is optional) for new nurses on the importance of…
Discussion: Race as a Social Construction As we are now well aware, there is no biological, genetic determinism for race as a concept, but rather it is what is known as a social construction. What do you believe
Discussion: Race as a Social Construction As we are now well aware, there is no biological, genetic determinism for race as a concept, but rather it is what is known as a social construction. What do you believe this means…