Arts management module( diploma) Essay, NAFA

1000-word research essay on any Singapore arts company, festival or arts venue of your choice,focus on the role of arts managers within company.

Essay must address the following points:

Select 1 Singapore arts company, festival or arts venue of your choice. Provide overview of chosen arts company, festival or venue, including its missive essayon, history and main activities. Highlight specific events, programs or initiatives organised by the arts company, festival or venue. Eg Singapore Ballet organises and presents Ballet under the Stars and The Nutcracker, among other performances OR The Esplanade-Theatres on the Bay hosts the Mosaic Music Festival and Huayi Festival. Describe the organisational structure of selected company, festival or venue, dealing with the various departments and their functions.

Describe how the structure supports the organisation’s objectives and facilitate its operations. Identify 2 key roles of typically taken by arts managers within your chosen company, festival or venue. Analyse the responsibilities associated with each role and explain why they are important to organisation’s success Explain 2 significant insights or lessons you have gained from researching the selected arts company and the roles of arts managers Refer to online and printed resources for essay.

Cite references using APA format Word count excluding reference list stated on last page Referencing: APA style of referencing and accurate documentation of references No plagiarism. Simple, straight forward language and presentation of essay.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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