MGT551 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS : July Semester 2024 – The Future of Work

Section A

Question 1

Assume that you are a newly hired Talent Trainer at the FairPrice Group, Singapore’s largest grocery chain store. Your CEO is keen to upskill the staff to meet the future demands of their business. Your task is to design a talent training programme tailored for this group.

Q1. Draft a hypothetical scenario for this context.

For this ECA you may focus on either the (1) operations and logistics function or (2) sales, promotion, and marketing function. You will probably need to describe these functions and set the boundary of your context as this can help explain and justify your reasons in the subsequent questions. PLEASE read the remaining questions before you start writing.

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Question 2

Q2. Design this employee training programme by using ChatGPT. Apply the concepts that you have learned in this course. Explain how the modules connect with the concepts that are applied. You must write this within the context of the function that you have selected in Q1. Do not give a generic answer.

For this question, you need to use what you have learned in this course to help make a training programme with ChatGPT, based on your situation from Q1. Think about which course concepts might be useful here. Could backcasting, the 3Ps, CQ, PQ, or the skills needed for polymathy be relevant?

You can use any of these concepts but be ready to explain why in Q3. You don’t need to explain why in Q2.

When you write about each module of the training programme, briefly explain how it connects to the course concept you’re using. For example, if you run a case scenario, you will need to consider how this module can help improve CQ and PQ. You will explain why these connections are important in Q3, not here in Q2. Please remember this.

Remember, this training programme is for helping the staff from the specific function to upskill themselves and it is not meant to teach the future of work concepts on its own. So, if you include a scenario exercise, it should help show the value of the 3Ps within the function, not just teach the 3Ps to the staff.

You decide how many modules/concepts for as long as you keep within the word count.

Since many marks are given for this question, try to design a programme with enough module to demonstrate your knowledge. Not too many, not too few.

Question 3

Q3. Support what you did by (1) explaining to your CEO how you prompted ChatGPT to design the training programme and (2) justifying how this programme can help to upskill the staff from that specific function in relation to the concepts that you have applied.

Note that in Q2, you are not required to provide justifications. You will do this in Q3. By answering this question, you are also acknowledging ChatGPT’s help, hence, you do not need to worry about citing ChatGPT’s work.

Note that 25 marks will be allocated to showcase how you have worked with ChatGPT via your prompts to get to the final output for the training programme. Note also that by “prompts”, it is not limited to what you say/type to communicate with ChatGPT, it can be a sequential logic of introducing or specified steps to guide ChatGPT to provide you the desired outputs. An example will be, “first, you introduce ChatGPT to the context. Next, you showcase various additional information for ChatGPT to understand the constraints and boundaries. This is followed by the description of various elements to refine the instruments, etc., etc.”

To help save word count, you can use screenshots to help demonstrate how you prompted ChatGPT.

The next 25 marks are for explaining how this training programme can help upskill the staff. This is where you justify how the components in your training programme assess the various concepts which you have applied from this course. Remember to explain by linking to the concepts that you have applied! Do not give generic answers.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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