SWK293 TMA02 (Tutor-Marked Assignment 02 ) SUSS : July 2024 – Social Work Practice and Skills Lab III: Working with Organisations and Communities


The following statement applies to all questions.

“ Sometimes, it takes a tragedy to spur community action on a problem….Other times, a good idea produced at a propitious time can have similar impact and benefit.’ (Kirst-Ashman & Hull, 2018. pg. 341)


1. (i) Based on the above statement, describe two (2) local ground-up initiatives/community programmes that is a response to each of the two circumstances above. Appraise which community organising model(s) best described the initiatives/community programmes you have identified. State your reasons. (Please provide references of the local ground-up initiative/community programme in your answer).

(ii) Choose one of the above ground-up-initiatives/community programmes and explain how it fulfils the functions of the community that is described by Kirst-Ashman & Hull (2018).

2. (i) Discuss how social workers could exercise sensitivity to diversity when planning, organising and implementing community programmes. Use the ground-up initiative or community programme you have identified earlier to illustrate your discussion.

(ii) Analyse if any of the five(5) advocacy tactics highlighted by Kirst-Ashman & Hull (2018) could be applied to meet the needs of the client-group in the ground-up initiative/ community programme you have described.

Marks are given for appropriate in-text citations and literature references in the APA7 format, and overall organisation and structure of your answer.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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