MBS663 Leading the Engaged Enterprise, Essay, MU

Assessment 1B – DIEP Reflections (20%)

The purpose of this assessment is to engage students in a critical reflection of their learning experiences within this leadership unit. This reflection will follow the DIEP (Describe, Interpret, Evaluate, Plan) framework to ensure a structured and comprehensive analysis.

Assessment Instructions

You are required to write four reflective essays based on your learning experiences in this unit (MBS663 T3 2024). Each reflective essay is between 150-200 words (not including references). Use the DIEP approach to structure your reflection. The essay should be submitted as a Word document through the university’s learning management system by 11.30 pm on 27/10/2024.
DIEP Framework

1. Describe (50 words):

Describe the Insight: Identify and describe a significant insight you gained during the leadership unit. An insight is something new that you have learned or realised. It should be relevant to the leadership concepts covered in the unit and should change the way you think and/or act.

Example: “In last week’s lecture, I realised the importance of distinguishing between technical and adaptive challenges in leadership.”

 Describe the Situation: Provide relevant details of the circumstances from which you gained the insight. Explain what was happening when this learning occurred and what triggered this learning.

Example: “During a group discussion on a case study about a company
undergoing significant change, I noticed how different team members responded to the technical versus adaptive aspects of the problem.”

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2. Interpret (50 words):

Interpret the Meaning of the Insight: Discuss what the insight means to you. Analyse the aspects that influenced this insight, including previous incidents, learning, the environment, and relationships with others.
Example: “This discussion highlighted that technical challenges require straightforward solutions from existing knowledge, while adaptive challenges demand changes in beliefs, roles, and approaches, which are often more difficult to navigate.”
o Interpret the Consequences of the Insight: Explain how this insight changes your understanding or behaviour. Consider if the insight can be applied to other situations.
Example: “This insight made me realise that as a leader, it is crucial to identify the type of challenge being faced to apply the appropriate leadership strategy.”

3. Evaluate (50 words):

Evaluate the Insight: Determine the value or significance of your insight. Discuss how it is relevant and beneficial to your learning, coursework, future work, and professional development.
Example: “Understanding the distinction between technical and adaptive challenges is significant for my future role as a leader. It will help me better assess situations and choose the right approach to lead effectively.”

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By using below 4 leadership framework model. Write 4 DIEP reflective essay on these 4 leadership frameworks model. 4 DIEP reflective essay need to be on personal experiences ( work, sports, family. Etc ). Each DIEP reflective essay words between 150-200 words.

Stakeholder Capitalism model
Servant Leadership model
Adaptive Leadership model

In praise of the incomplete leader model. ( the 4 caps+model= sensing, relating, visioning, inventing )

1. Describe (50 words):

Describe the Insight: Identify and describe a significant insight you gained during the leadership unit. An insight is something new that you have learned or realised. It should be relevant to the leadership concepts covered in the unit and should change the way you think and/or act.

 Example: “In last week’s lecture, I realised the importance of distinguishing between technical and adaptive challenges in leadership.”
Describe the Situation: Provide relevant details of the circumstances from which you gained the insight. Explain what was happening when this learning occurred and what triggered this learning.
 Example: “During a group discussion on a case study about a company undergoing significant change, I noticed how different team members responded to the technical versus adaptive aspects of the problem.”

2. Interpret (50 words):
Interpret the Meaning of the Insight: Discuss what the insight means to you. Analyse the aspects that influenced this insight, including previous incidents, learning, the environment, and relationships with others.

Example: “This discussion highlighted that technical challenges require straightforward solutions from existing knowledge, while adaptive challenges demand changes in beliefs, roles, and approaches, which are often more difficult to navigate.”
o Interpret the Consequences of the Insight: Explain how this insight changes your understanding or behaviour. Consider if the insight can be applied to other situations.
 Example: “This insight made me realise that as a leader, it is crucial to identify the type of challenge being faced to apply the appropriate leadership strategy.”

3. Evaluate (50 words):

Evaluate the Insight: Determine the value or significance of your insight. Discuss how it is relevant and beneficial to your learning, coursework, future work, and professional development.

Example: “Understanding the distinction between technical and adaptive challenges is significant for my future role as a leader. It will help me better assess situations and choose the right approach to lead effectively.”

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Reference no: EM132069492

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