BME356 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS : July Semester 2024 – Functional Genomics

Question 1

Examine the finding of the splice variant discovered in 10.1080/15384101.2017.1281480 and was further investigated in Evaluate the following with respect to the article.

Question 1a

Critically evaluate the assumptions made about the genes and its association to functions.

Question 1b

Discuss the localisation of the splice variant and what it revealed about the assumptions in bioinformatics sequence analysis.

Question 1c

Determine the pros and cons of the computational approach, specifically to the mechanism.

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Question 2

Critically examine the analysis conducted in

Question 2a

State the findings and examine how the findings affect the assumptions of the Molecular Clock hypothesis.

Question 2b

Illustrate how the genetic code probability can underlie the findings in
10.3390/ijms22010370 and how the study showed this.

Question 3

With reference to what you have learnt in BME356 Functional Genomics, critically evaluate the importance of identifying protein domains and motifs in understanding protein function. Discuss the approaches and tools used to identify these domains and motifs, and their significance in the study of cellular pathways and disease mechanisms.

Question 4

Assess the 1N8Z structure using PDB web service. Analyze the 3D structure online with JSMol and generate a cartoon picture of the structure, coloured by chains. Create screenshots of the predicted image, and also the process taken for each step.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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