LB5402 : The aim of this assessment is to apply the theories, framework and tool kits to assess : Performance Management and Appraisal, Report, JCU


The aim of this assessment is to apply the theories, framework and tool kits to assess and analyse the challenges in performance management and appraisal.


1. Read the case study “The Empress.”. The case study would be made available on your LearnJCU on Week 1 of your semester.

2. From your case, you need to write a report of not more than 2000 words (not including the cover page and references) addressing the following points:

Who is the having the performance appraisal and who is conducting the appraisal?
Why were performance appraisals important to Fairmont?
Discuss the current performance appraisal; if executed effectively, how could this appraisal support performance management and engagement at Fairmont?
What are some of the possible shortcomings of the current performance appraisal system? Should White be concerned about it?
If you were White, what would you do in this situation and why?

3. Format your report as follows: 

Introduction – Give a brief overview of the current performance appraisal system
Shortcomings – Discuss (b), (c) and (d) of the current performance system. Clearly state the information. This requires analysis of the situation and not just a recitation of the facts.
Recommendations – Discuss (e). Provide recommendations to address each shortcoming identified. Each recommendation should be accompanied by an analysis, detailing its potential strengths and weaknesses. Why is it important for management to implement your recommendations? What could happen if management does not implement your recommendations?
Conclusion – Summarise the key points of your report.

4. Your report should be no more than 2000 words, not including cover sheet and references. Your document must use 12-point Times New Roman or Arial typeface, be single sided, use double line spacing, and APA referencing.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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