ELT256 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS: July Semester 2024 – Creative Writing: Prose


Your ECA must be submitted in MS Word document only (not in PDF or any other format), using Times New Roman 12-point font, double spacing, with a space between paragraphs.

There are two parts to this ECA. Both parts are to be submitted in a single Word document. The narrative essay should be clearly labelled Part A and the analysis, Part B. In your ECA:


Of the two types of narrative essay—the personal essay and the hermit crab essay—you will identify one type that you want to write.
Your narrative essay must be between 2,100 words (minimum) and 2500 words (maximum).
Whichever type of narrative essay you have chosen, make sure the voice of personal experience comes through in the writing. It must also be structured with a clear narrative arc.
You will develop research around the topic and execute it in your essay.
If you have chosen the personal essay, your research might involve jotting down, from memory, details about particular incidents or episodes in your life relevant to the topic; or, it might involve interviewing family members and friends. It depends on the topic of your personal essay.
The personal essay is not written in the style of an academic essay, nor is it written like a blog.
If you have chosen the hermit crab essay, your research might involve reading and citing articles related to the topic.
While in-text citations are not required in the narrative essay, any source you have accessed in the course of writing must be duly acknowledged in the Works Cited at the end of your ECA in the correct MLA format.

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You will write a short 200-250-word analysis of your choice of the type of narrative essay and how its form creates meaning in the essay.
Do note that Part B is not a continuation of Part A, i.e. it is not an extension of your narrative essay. It is also not a summary of your narrative essay but a justification for your choice of the type of narrative essay and how the chosen form is relevant for conveying your theme.
Do note that you are required to cite relevant academic sources in your analysis, using the MLA format for in-text citations and references. Any sources from cited in Part A must be combined with sources in Part B as a single Works Cited list.

While you may use published texts as inspiration, your work must be significantly different from the original source. In other words, your work must not be a rehash

or rewrite of someone else’s work. You are also not allowed to use ChatGPT or any AI generative tool to produce your narrative essay.

Keep all drafts (softcopy or hardcopy) so that if there is any doubt about the authorship of your work, you are able to produce evidence of your drafting process if required.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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