GM702 – You are acting as the operations and quality consultant for a chosen organization (preferably where the learner is currently working : Operations management, Assignment, AGE

Module Learning Outcomes

LO1 Critically evaluate how operations management contributes to the competitiveness of an organization.

LO2 Critically evaluate how quality management processes and supply chain networks contribute to achieving the overall strategic objectives of an organization.

LO3 Critically evaluate the information management/systems in relation to the operation management processes.

LO4 Design a project plan for a given business scenario and implement a project.

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Assignment Task:

Report on Operations Management – 100 Marks [Approx 4000 words, +/- 10%]

This task requires you to prepare a Report with the guidelines provided:-

Scenario :

You are acting as the operations and quality consultant for a chosen organization (preferably where the learner is currently working or any other organization of your choice). You have been asked by the board of directors to prepare a report to review the operations and quality management processes in the organisation. You are required to look at the existing supply chain networks, operations management and quality management processes, procedures and systems within the organization, and, evaluate the competitiveness of the organization in achieving key strategic objectives. It is also imperative to evaluate the information management/ systems in the organisation in relation to such operations management processes.

You should make use of relevant academic literature, theories, current issues, principles and concepts in Operations and Quality Management. You MUST follow the Report format, which should contain the following sections. :

The report should have an Executive Summary (A summary of the entire report in no more than one page of A4 paper).
You should provide a brief Introduction to the chosen organisation and highlight the operations management challenges that the organisation currently faces. You should then critically discuss the application of any three principles in maintaining quality management of the Operations Management practices.
Evaluate the impact of productivity, workflow and quality on organizational competitiveness. Thereafter, critically evaluate the integration of core operational strategies of the organization with its overall business strategies, with a special reference to the role of Supply Chain Network design aligning with the overall business strategy. Develop appropriate performance indicators to effectively track monitoring, control and continuous improvement of the company operations.
Critically discuss the role of management information systems in assisting strategic goals and operational processes success in your chosen organization. You should critically evaluate the role of ICT applications in supporting as well as enhancing the operations management in the chosen organization; and thereafter analyse the actual requirements, appropriate methods, technologies, including use of Artificial Intelligence, that will help in optimisation of the operational processes of the organization.
Finally, analyse the methodologies and scheduling tools you would like to use to develop the project specifications, schedule, control and evaluation to effectively implement and manage the project successfully. Conclude the report with your final findings and analysis, as well as evaluating the contribution of project leadership to
Kindly note that you should present the whole report written well in a good format, and which makes good use the Harvard Referencing System (HRS).

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Reference no: EM132069492

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