SDE102 TMA (Tutor Marked Written Assignment 1) SUSS: Developing Academic Writing Skills


While many people in the world have enjoyed increasing wealth and prosperity over the last fifty years, there remain huge numbers of other people who live in poverty. What do you think are the causes of this poverty in a world of plenty?

Write an essay of 500-600 words, explaining your views.


Before you start writing your assignment, do revise the relevant topics in “Study Unit 1: Preparing to Write an Assignment” ( and “Study Unit 6: Writing an Assignment ( ” of SDE102 Developing Academic Writing Skills modules.
In your assignment, please make sure that you include the following:

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

identify, select and synthesise sources for inclusion in assignments;
recognise and apply specific features of introductions;
recognise and apply specific features of paragraphs;
recognise and apply specific features of conclusions;
present ideas coherently and cohesively throughout a written assignment; and
employ appropriate skills to arrange, develop and draft written academic  assignments.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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