For Topic Eight Learning Module, please familiarize yourself with chapter one of the text Global Problems, Global Solutions by Chirico (2018).Choose a social problem that you believe is social in nature, but is often viewed as a private trouble

For Topic Eight Learning Module, please familiarize yourself with chapter one of the text Global Problems, Global Solutions by Chirico (2018).Choose a social problem that you believe is social in nature, but is often viewed as a private trouble. Make a case for your argument using your knowledge and the course material (Chirico gives a few examples that may help). In other words, utilize your sociological imagination to examine an issue that is global in nature (hint: even those that seem individual to a culture are often global, such as poverty).

*note: this is a graded discussion. Points are awarded for participation and can be decreased if your post does not meet the criteria detailed in the instructions (a minimum of 100 words

Helpful Materials – Topic Eight

Sociological ImaginationLinks to an external site. – YouTube

Why You Should Use Your Sociological ImaginationLinks to an external site. – Pawan Dhingra

Private Troubles, Public IssuesLinks to an external site. – YouTube

Reference no: EM132069492

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