PSY369 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS : July Semester 2024 – Emotion

Question 1

Part 1: Research Proposal [1,000 words inclusive of in-text citations]

The year is 2077. Scientists have established contact with a distant alien race and have established that despite differences in language, they share many similarities with humans, such as the capacity to experience emotions. One prominent affective scientist, Ash Ketchum, specialises in the study of alien emotions. Though many of these emotions can be described using the same words as those used to describe human emotions, he found that there are also unique emotion words that have no obvious human equivalent. One such word is “Pwszdxrcfghvyiku”, or “PWSZ” for short. At this moment, all Ash knows about PWSZ is that it can be classified as a positive emotion that roughly translates to “feeling good about the cosmos, and an appreciation of the inherent beauty and goodness of life in the universe”. Ash would like to study the emotion of PWSZ in humans as well.

You are Ash Ketchum’s research assistant. He has tasked you with writing a research proposal on how you think PWSZ can be effectively studied in humans. He would like a research proposal that can effectively analyse the different components or characteristics of PWSZ, and he would also like to judge the extent to which PWSZ might be distinct from other positive emotions. He would like you to propose research design(s) that can address these points, and he would also like you to critique your proposed design(s). Specifically, the study (or studies) proposed by you should address the following points:

 How can the defining components or characteristics of PWSZ be identified empirically?
How can PWSZ be empirically differentiated from other positive emotions? • What design(s) is/are appropriate to comprehensively address the above questions on PWSZ?

o This does not need to be as detailed as the “Methods” section of a typical research paper, but should minimally provide details such as the design (e.g., one-way between subjects, or within-subjects, correlational, longitudinal, etc.), as well as rough details on the materials (e.g., what technique is used to manipulate emotions, or what measures might be used).

What are the strengths and limitations of your research proposal?
You may decide whether to propose a single-study research project or a multi-study research project to examine the emotion of PWSZ in humans.
All points above should be made with reference to supporting evidence from past research.

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Question 2

Part 2: Application [1,000 words inclusive of in-text citations]

One social problem Singapore has long struggled with is its low birth rate, and this appears to have hit a historic low in 2023.

Approach one person who meets the following criteria and ask for their consent to be interviewed about parenthood:

a. is not currently a student in PSY369 Emotion this semester AND

b. is currently a parent OR

c. is married or intends to get married in future but is unsure about whether to have children.

Spend some time chatting with this person to find out more about their attitudes towards parenthood and the challenges that parents may face in Singapore’s context. Find out what they think might be possible reasons for wanting (or not wanting) to be a parent, and what major challenges parents may face. You may also ask any other relevant questions that can help you to construct this assignment. Ensure that you obtain enough information to be able to address this assignment based on the requirements below—to this end, you are strongly encouraged to plan your interview beforehand.

Provide evidence of your interview in an Appendix section. This should minimally include notes about what questions you asked as well as notes about the interviewee’s answer. An exact transcript of the interview is not required, and you can provide notes of the interview in point form. A maximum of 10 marks will be deducted if there is no evidence of the interview provided in your Appendix. Ensure that there is no personal information or identifying details in your submission as well as your Appendix—if you need to refer to the person, use a pseudonym (i.e., a fake name) to ensure that the person cannot be identified.

Based on your interview and using your knowledge of theories and evidence about how emotions affect social, cognitive, psychological and/or behavioural outcomes, discuss and appraise how emotions play a role in explaining whether couples decide to have children or not.

Additionally, propose an emotion regulation programme that can help your interviewee to manage the challenges of parenthood (if your interviewee is a parent) or to become more willing and able to be a parent and to transit into parenthood (if your interviewee is on the fence about being a parent). Critically evaluate whether you think there may be challenges to your proposed emotion regulation programme, and whether these challenges can be overcome.

Ensure that you provide relevant empirical evidence and real-life examples from your interviewee throughout your response.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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