MLA601 Maritime Industry in the 21st Century, Essay, MC

Assessment Brief

Question 1: Literature Review

Sourcing and critically analysing literature on a range of topics will be a fundamental part of your study experience. This often means accessing material that goes well beyond opinion pieces scattered on the Internet and requires you to consult the University library systems. To get used to finding, reading, summarising, and analysing this material, you are required to prepare a short literature review using the University of Plymouth online Library, Google Scholar, or other resources you find appropriate.

It is essential that you read the ‘Doing a Literature Review’ attached to this assignment before attempting this question.

Select SEVEN contemporary references (i.e., from the last five years) to review. The references should address technological developments aimed at reducing negative impact on the marine environment. The review shall include:

THREE academic journal papers (e.g., from Maritime Policy and Management)
ONE industry publication (e.g., Lloyds List, Seaways)
ONE section or chapter from a relevant academic textbook
ONE official website
ONE additional academic source chosen by you from anywhere

Write a narrative literature review summarizing the main ideas and research related to technological developments aimed at reducing negative impact on the marine environment. To help organise this review, you might consider the following questions. However, note that these questions are not prescriptive and are provided only as a guide:

Introduction and background: What is already known and well established about the topic?
Method: What research methods for data collection have been applied to the topic in the selected literature (e.g., case study, survey, literature review, etc.)?
Analysis and discussion: What controversies or inconsistencies have you noticed about the topic?
Further research: What questions require further investigation and could advance understanding in this subject area?

Include a list of references using the Harvard Referencing System

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Question 2: Strategic Analysis

Critically evaluate the extent to which external sustainability-related factors influence the development of the global shipping fleet or a maritime service of your choice. Please ensure you specify the service you are referring to in the introduction of your essay.

1. Provide a brief description of contemporary developments in the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental contexts as they relate to your chosen topic.

2. Apply the PESTLE strategic analysis framework to organise your evaluation. For each element of PESTLE discuss how these external factors influence the sustainability of the maritime operations or services you’ve chosen. Discuss whether these factors act as drivers for or barriers to sustainable development in the maritime sector.

3. Provide specific examples from the industry to support your analysis and explain how these examples affect the broader maritime industry.

In your essay, ensure that you:

Demonstrate a strong understanding of concepts covered in the MLA601 module, incorporating additional academic sources you have independently researched.
Support your arguments with credible evidence from peer-reviewed literature and industry data (e.g., the latest UNCTAD Maritime Transport Review Report). • Use figures, graphs, or charts where appropriate to illustrate key points. Ensure all visual aids are referenced and integrated into the text for clarity.
Use the Harvard Reference System for all citations, ensuring that every statement, opinion, or argument is substantiated with evidence from reputable sources.

Question 3: Personal Reflection

Reflect upon and briefly describe the current challenges and opportunities that the maritime sector in which you are employed (or hope to be) is facing. Use literature to support your arguments as needed. Plan how you might respond to these challenges and opportunities giving examples. To help, think about the following questions; they are not prescriptive, so please don’t assume you have to work through them one by one. They’re provided only as a guide to the sorts of things you may typically wish to include. But this is your reflection, so write it as you wish – including in the first person, if you wish.

What do I already know about these challenges and opportunities?
What is still unclear or confusing for me regarding these challenges and opportunities?
Which current developments within the sector could be the most impactful on my future career?
What personal strengths do I have that will help me cope with these challenges? How can I develop these strengths to make full use of these opportunities?
What personal weaknesses might cause me to initially face difficulties? How can I combat these weaknesses, and what is the threat of not doing so?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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