The intention is to encourage you to plan your essay and start early enough in the term so as to provide time for feedback from the instructor. What issues of sustainability are important to you? What recent news events

Essay Assignment- You are expected to write a 6000 word essay, . The paper is due on November 21. In order to make the most of this paper-writing experience, you are encouraged to submit a paragraph for instructor feedback. The paragraph should describe the topic you would like to explore along with 3 references and be submitted by October 23. Specific Guidelines for Essay Paragraph You are invited to submit a paragraph that explains your essay plan. The intention is to encourage you to plan your essay and start early enough in the term so as to provide time for feedback from the instructor. What issues of sustainability are important to you? What recent news events in Canada or internationally have led you to think about issues of social and environmental justice? Write a thesis statement that explains the argument you will develop in your essay as well as the key ‘evidence’ you will use to prove your argument. Provide atleast 3 academic references related to your argument. Specific Guidelines for Essay Choose a problem of sustainability that is important to you or about which you wish to learn more. The problem should be one that is in recently in the news in Canada or internationally (i.e., I should be able to find information about it through google). This problem will essentially become the case study for considering the following questions. Define the sustainability problem in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); discuss the various, social, economic, cultural and ecological dimensions of this problem and how it could be solved through individual, community, government and private sector efforts at local, regional, national and global scales.

Reference no: EM132069492

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