PSY213 ECA (End-of-Course Assessment) SUSS – July Semester 2024 : Developmental Psychology

PSY213 Developmental Psychology ECA Questions

ECA Submission Guidelines

Please follow the submission instructions stated below:
Answer Parts 1 and 2 of this ECA (Total 100 marks)
This End of Course Assessment (ECA) is 100% of the Overall Examinable Component (OES). There are two parts to this ECA:

Part 1: Infographic
 Part 2: Essay
Please submit the ECA Cover Page and ECA as ONE MS Word file only to the “ECA” submission link.

All files must be uploaded by Monday, 28 October 2024, 12:00 noon. Resubmission is allowed before this cut-off time.

Part 1: Infographic

For this part of the ECA, you will curate a resource centre in the form of a one-page infographic to explain to parents how children learn about moral reasoning according to Kohlberg’s theory. You need to apply each of the levels and stages to your own examples.

Your content should be pitched at an appropriate level for your target audience (you have to include the technical jargon but also explain the technical jargon in layperson terms), and should be easy for them to understand. Your infographic should also be aesthetically pleasing. Please see Canvas for an example of an infographic. For the infographic, you may use your preferred tool, e.g., PowerPoint, Paint, Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva, etc.

If you use images in your infographic, please provide links to the images and make sure that they have a Creative Commons license ( that allows reuse by others for non-commercial purposes as long as there is proper credit given. A discretionary 5-mark penalty will be imposed for use of images that are not cited or that do not have a license that allows reuse.

Your infographic must fit into a single page, saved as JPEG/PNG image file. The key here is to convey necessary information in an appealing, concise, and fun way. Important: Insert the infographic as an image (not as an external file attachment) into the Word document in the same document as the essay in Part 2 below.

Your work will be assessed based on the following components: 

Content (reliable sources, relevant, comprehensive)
Cohesiveness (logical, well-organised)
Creativity (aesthetically pleasing design and layout)

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Part 2: Essay

‘Cause when you’re fifteen
And somebody tells you they love you
You’re gonna believe them
And when you’re fifteen
Don’t forget to look before you fall
But I’ve found time can heal most anything
And you just might find who you’re supposed to be
I didn’t know who I was supposed to be At fifteen

– verse from Taylor Swift’s ‘Fifteen’

Discuss and illustrate the impact of romantic breakups on the development of teenagers’ selfconcept using empirical findings from a minimum of five journal articles (from the last 20 years). Examine whether your findings are universal or culture-specific.

In your essay, reflect on your self-concept when you were 15 years old and now, and whether that has changed (or not). These reflections can be about your self-concept in general; you do not have to reflect solely on your self-concept after a romantic breakup in your teenage years (although you can).

If you prefer not to talk about yourself, you can comment on someone else’s self-concept when that person was 15 years old and now, and whether that has changed (or not).

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Reference no: EM132069492

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