This essay should be an account of your personal pandemic experience in the broadest sense, as well as your views and concerns about the pandemic. ( please make sure you are talking from a student perspective, like whatever experience you write one let it talk about online class, finding a new job, stress from school and the changes, not being able to go out anymore, working from home and not having human interaction.

This essay should be an account of your personal pandemic experience in the broadest sense, as well as your views and concerns about the pandemic. ( please make sure you are talking from a student perspective, like whatever experience you write one let it talk about online class, finding a new job, stress from school and the changes, not being able to go out anymore, working from home and not having human interaction. )

The purpose of this essay is to contemplate how the virus affected you, your health, your work, your education, your future and to expand that experience to the experience of your family, your friends and your community/country. please make sure to also talk about how it as affected canada. Please do not speak about any other country except canada

The essay should also identify areas that you would like to discuss in class.

Reference no: EM132069492

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