Unconscious racism attitude toward African American


My topic is: While there is much discussion about unconscious racism attitude toward African American, unconscious racism toward Asian is also a problem.

– choose two sources (at least one must be a scholarly source) and each annotation should be 250+ words (500+ total for this assignment).

– Annotations help you to think critically about the sources you are using. Ultimately, an annotated bibliography is a stepping-stone towards a good argument.

Here’s what it should look like:

Information about the author: What makes this author credible and reliable?
Information about type of source itself. Is it scholarly or non-scholarly? A general audience or a more specific one?
A summary of the article as a whole. What is this article about? What are key ideas that the author discusses?
A specific description of how you plan on using this source in your paper. What about this source is important for your paper and how do you plan to incorporate the source in meaningful, substantive ways? This should be most rigorous portion.


The post Unconscious racism attitude toward African American first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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