
For this exercise, you will create a revision plan, using the instructions from this assignment sheet, detailed in the following video:

The purpose of the assignment is for you to create a revision plan to manage feedback.
You will need to demonstrate to your instructor that you know how to create revision plans, and that you have an effective plan to revise your work.
The audience for the revision plan is you, since the plan helps you to manage your feedback. However, for the purposes of this exercise, your audience is also your instructor. Your exercise/revision plan(s) should be readable, clear, and well-organized.
You will submit a single Word document. In the document, include your name, course section, and the date. Then, include a revision table for the annotated bibliography.
The length will vary depending on how much feedback you received.
The feedback is attached and on the side of the essay
This is what your revision plan should look like:
Feedback My Thoughts Plan Due Date/Status
The video describes the exercise in detail.
How will you prioritize feedback? In other words, how will you decide which feedback to address first?
How will you handle feedback you don’t understand?
If you receive similar feedback from multiple people, how will you organize it in the table?
How will you keep track of changes you’ve already made? How will you show professionalism in the “my thoughts” column?
How many rows do you need?


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The post exercise appeared first on AssignmentHub.

Reference no: EM132069492

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