Souls of Black folk

Souls of Black folk
P‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌lease FOLLOW THE INFO IT should be be well-crafted and polished pieces of writing that demonstrate your understanding of texts, concepts and theories, and your ability to apply them to the world around you. Responses should not simply be summaries of the text. Need to have thesis statement and hook and need topics for each paragraph The response should demonstrate that you have read the article, and that you are thinking with and through them, They shouldn’t be SUMMRIES of the article, rather concentrate on showing your thinking. What struck you or made you think about something vital, or even what surprised or angered you. NO SUMMARY, read the article , and use direct quote from the article and put page number and cite it Only use the article that I send nothing else.Please remember that responses must include some engagement with the sociological theories we are focusing . Work in your responses to show that you understand theory and can apply it. dont missed the spirit of his analysis. Also, responses try to write more cleanly and clearly. And remember to have Hook, summary, thesis statement. Topic sentence introduced to them what you’re gonna talk about use your opinion concluding sentence The rest of the essay it shouldn’t be summary And it should be only 500 words Have topic sentences and concluding sentence Don’t missing a subject in the sentence. Have topic sentences and concluding sentence work on writing as clearly and cleanly as possible. Also, work on your us‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌e of examples. Use sound empirical examples that fit with the texts and theories Please remember that responses must include some engagement with the sociological theories we are focusing . Work in your responses to show that you understand theory and can apply it. Read the article and also watch this movie that can help to undertand and also the only movie that you can relate it to the essay is this Double Consciousness Film: Dir. Jordan Peele – Get Out So must read the articles and I sedn and wathc the movie that help to undertand and use example that can be relate it to the society and real life Please don’t write opposite side. And please follow the info The most important part is the article and info that put to follow the movie it just help to understand And remember to have Hook, summary, thesis statement. Topic sentence introduced to them what you’re gonna talk about use your opinion concluding sentence The rest of the essay it shouldn’t be summary Please remember that responses must include some engagement with the sociological theories we are focusing . Work in your responses to show that you understand theory and can apply it. Please try to use simple words make sure u dont missed the spirit of his analysis. Also, try to write more cleanly and clearly. show engagement with the text and demonstrate some understanding of theory work on your use of examples. Use sound empirical examples that fit with the texts and theories. make sure follow the info and dont do‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌‍‍‍‌ write opposite


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Reference no: EM132069492

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