To interpret a literary or cinematic work using critical resources, and to present an interpretation of a particular work using a synthesis of close reading, viewing, and critical analysis, students will complete a paper according to the following guidelines:
Write a 6-8 page paper using both close reading and at least five critical sources where you examine the representation of jazz in an approved work of literature or film. In a clear, well-organized essay, identify the literary period and genre of the work citing critical sources for support. Quote appropriate passages from critical sources to illustrate how the work reflects either its literary period or literary genre. analyze and illustrate how the work depicts jazz music and/or a jazz musician or musicians. Quote appropriate passages from the work to illustrate in detail how the work reflects its historical, philosophical, social, artistic and cultural contexts. Quote appropriate passages from the work to illustrate in detail how the work can be interpreted from more than one critical perspective. Use at least 6-8 sources, including 1-2 primary sources and 4 academic sources (scholarly journal, monograph, or edited collection)
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