Based on the relationship between the individual and social structure, how do the family and society a person happens to be born into affect their life chances?
Remember, we are living in a WEIRD society – some of you were born and raised in this WEIRD society; others of you have lived part of your lives in either another WEIRD society or in a more traditional society.
Your essay should talk about how the accidents of birth create structural obstacles for some and advantages and privileges for others. Start with the accident of being born (or at least living in) a WEIRD society in the 21st century. Other examples of accidents of birth we discussed this semester are being born into a rich family or a poor family or somewhere in-between, being born female or male or intersexed, and being born into an European-American, African-American, Hispanic-American, Arab-American, or some other kind of family.
Conclude your essay by weighing in on the agency-structure debate. Can people make history? Can you rewrite the script?
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