You are an upper-level undergraduate student, soon (in relative time) to go out

You are an upper-level undergraduate student, soon (in relative time) to go out into the REAL world. Before too many years, you will be put into positions of responsibility. Research clearly shows that individuals involved in college athletics rise to administrative positions quickly (Do you know why?) Let’s assume that you choose a career in college athletics and you become an athletic director at Successful Athletics University. In all of the following, the coaches in question are powerful and winners, how would you go about it: (It’s not easy to fire a powerful and successful coach…so don’t assume that such a route will be a quick fix).
Developing an administration that is ethical?
What strategies would you develop?
What motivators would you use to promote ethical behavior?
How would you set a standard for ethical conduct?
What would you do if you discovered a coach who did the following:
had an affair with an athlete?
physically struck and athlete during practice?
Physically struck a secretary or other coach?
lied about an expense account?

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Reference no: EM132069492

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