The final report must have prisma diagram included in PP and written report portion (use template for prisma diagram attached) follow quality Assessment criteria with example (example attached) follow quality assessment tool for quantitative study

The final report must have prisma diagram included in PP and written report portion (use template for prisma diagram attached) follow quality Assessment criteria with example (example attached) follow quality assessment tool for quantitative study (see guidelines attached) Use template for PP presentation (sample and blank template attached) Use template for written report: Template for systematic review project (sample and template attached) Follow A 24‑step guide on how to design, conduct, and successfully publish a systematic review in medical research (guideline attached) Follow APA 7 format Prisma Diagram (attached) Grading rubric attached. This project requires minimum 12 articles included (after excluding the articles that do not meet research criteria or question) Articles are attached Summary Multiples parts: 1. Power Point presentation (use the template attached) 3. research proposal (use the template attached), 4. data extraction (use template attached excel).

Reference no: EM132069492

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