1-APA style
2- master degree
3- cited well
4- clear reference
5- 12-15 page
6- supported data and evidence
7- nursing field
8- each question should write some background with evidences
Situation :
A. Something to do
B. Why you want to do ? What was motivating you to do ?
C. How you presented ? Data and statistics
D. Do you receive any reinforcement? What type ( negative or positive )? Explain
E. Response to the proposed plan, have you felt that you are treating inequitably?
F. Your behaviour comes under which motivation theory ?
Herzbergs theory:
A. Introduction and background
B. Purpose
C. Advantages
E. 2 columns
Succession Plan:
A. Intro and background
B. Purpose
C. Advantages.
D. Written staff plan with clear objectives and timeframe
E. Smart goal
The post 1-APA style
2- master degree
3- cited well
4- clear reference
5- 12-15 page
6 appeared first on Skilled Papers.