UNDRR Stop Disasters Simulations

To access the simulations:

  1. Go to http://www.stopdisastersgame.org/stop_disasters/
  2. Click on “Game Objective” and read about how to play the game
  3. Click on “Play Game”
  4. Click on “EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN – Earthquake/Lowland Hills” and then select “Easy” for the difficulty level
  5. Run the scenario
  6. Repeat for “THE CARIBBEAN – Hurricane/Caribbean Island”, “Easy” level
  7. Did you pass the simulations? If you failed, why did you fail (you are welcome to do them again if you want)?
  8. Which of the five types of mitigation strategies that was discussed in Module 12 (Structural Engineered Project, Prevention, Property Protection, Natural Resource Protection, and Public Information) were available for the earthquake simulation?
  9. Which of the five types of mitigation strategies that was discussed in Module 12 (Structural Engineered Project, Prevention, Property Protection, Natural Resource Protection, and Public Information) were available for the hurricane simulation?
  10. How were the mitigation activities (the specific actions that you choose from) the same for the two simulations? How were they different? Why the differences?
  11. Are there any mitigation activities that we identified in class not available for the simulations that could have been added? What are they?
  12. What activities can you note in the simulations that we would not consider mitigation (e.g., activities that we would consider preparedness instead of mitigation)?
  13. What was challenging about the simulations? Why?
  14. What did you learn from these simulations?

Sample Solution

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Reference no: EM132069492

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