Marc is 43 and is healthy- he does not smoke, does not use alcohol, and has never used illegal substances or marijuana. He is married with 5 children and is active in his church community as well. He plays racquetball 3 days per week at the local fitness center and swims laps the other two.

Marc is 43 and is healthy- he does not smoke, does not use alcohol, and has never used illegal substances or marijuana.  He is married with 5 children and is active in his church community as well. He plays racquetball 3 days per week at the local fitness center and swims laps the other two. 

He and his wife just returned from a cruise as a treat to themselves for the hard work put it over the past several years.  Even during this cruise, his sleep problem was present.

His wife tells him that he is “dull” because he does not enjoy movies, TV, or going to concerts as she does.  She reports that he does not snore. He reports that his mood is good, and he has never had any other mental problems.  He denies any history of mental health problems in his family. He reports that he does not take naps during the day, but feels that he needs to.  “I’m certainly not sleeping at night, so maybe I need to take some naps.” 


Read the attached report on “Marc,” then write one page answering the 3 questions below

1. What is your working diagnosis?

 2. What is your list of rule-out diagnoses? *limit this to no more than 2, please.

 3. What is 1 specific additional question you have for Marc?


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The post Marc is 43 and is healthy- he does not smoke, does not use alcohol, and has never used illegal substances or marijuana. He is married with 5 children and is active in his church community as well. He plays racquetball 3 days per week at the local fitness center and swims laps the other two. appeared first on Apax Researchers.

Reference no: EM132069492

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