7-1 Discussion: Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Competency Selection (Part Two) Discussion

6-1 Discussion: Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Competency Selection (Part One)Contains unread postsAndre DeStefano posted Sep 2, 2021 1:42 PMSubscribeAfter weeks of analyzing the employee engagement survey and discussing various leadership competencies that may help the company with my fellow classmates, the most important competencies that I will add to the adaptive leadership toolkit are emotional intelligence, communication, and mentoring & developing. For a reminder, emotional intelligence is the capability of someone to understand another’s emotions and feelings, differentiate among them, and use that information to guide their own actions (Yadav, 2019). The main focus in building this competency will be to improve the trust between supervisors and employees. The biggest statistic that led me to this conclusion would be how currently only 24% of employees currently say they trust their supervisor, and how this has gone down from 39% four years ago. Trust is a giant part in any relationship, and supervisors have to build upon their emotional intelligence to understand that the trust that their employees have in them will directly affect the company as a whole. Employees that don’t trust who they work for will be less motivated to work, or at the very least be less likely to report when things go wrong. It could also lead to employees eventually looking for work elsewhere. If supervisors learn to build this trust by understanding how their employees are feeling, this will be a great improvement. Related to emotional intelligence, communication is another quintessential competency that needs to be addressed. Without communication, there really is no team. If supervisors took the time to talk to their employees and understand any questions or concerns they are having, there would be more positive results on the engagement survey and honestly less need for a written survey in general. The main questions that led me to picking this competency are the ones related to reward and recognition. Currently only 31% of employees think they are rewarded properly for their work, and only 35% think their supervisors take the time to praise them. These questions have some of the lowest favorable responses on the survey, showing that this is definitely something that needs to be addressed. Through communication between supervisor and employee, these kinds of problems can be better discussed and resolved, which is why emotional intelligence and trust are related to this. If the communication in this company isn’t improved, then regardless of how strong the company is in terms of strategy or policy it will start to fail overtime as nobody will be on the same page. The last competency that I believe is important to add is mentoring and developing. On the survey only 25% of employees currently say their supervisor talks with them and helps them determine their training and development goals, and this has gone down from 33% as of four years ago. Like how I stated in the last competency, employees are assets to a company. Like any asset, you should want to use it to the best of its potential. If employees are left aimless without any mentoring or developmental goals, then they will stagnate. If employees feel stagnated, they might eventually look for work somewhere where they will feel more purpose. If employees feel they have aim and someone they can rely on for guidance, they will feel much more motivated to work and will be even greater assets to the team and company. References: Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership. (2019). International Journal of Leadership, 7(2).


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