Virtualization Assessment Part 2 | Essay Furious

Virtualization Assessment Part 2

About this assessment

These assessment tasks provide an opportunity to demonstrate the competencies covered in the Virtualization subject.

  • You are allowed to refer to your text books, notes and the Internet during the Assessment.
  • You are required to complete all the tasks with in the allowed time to be successful in this assessment
  • You will be required to work with other team members
  • The documentation and research work must be entirely your own
  • You are required to take screenshots of your practical work

Successful completion of this assessment contributes towards attaining competency in the following:

ICTSUS501      Implement server virtualisation for a sustainable ICT system
ICTNWK525    Configure an enterprise virtual computing environment
ICTNWK535    Install an enterprise virtual computing environment

ICTICT511        Match IT needs with the strategic direction of the enterprise

These assessment tasks provide an opportunity for you to demonstrate the competencies required to design, plan and deploy virtualization solutions. 

Part 2 – Deployment

This part requires you to deploy a virtualization environment. You shall work as part of a team.

You are provided with:

1. A number of physical machines that you shall configure as hosts

2. A gigabit network

3. An iSCSI SAN.

4. VMware 5.1 installation disks

5. Server 2012 installation disks

6. V-Centre Server installation files

7. VMware tools ISO image

Group Tasks

1. Design an IP addressing scheme for your production network

2. Install and configure VMware on the hosts

3. Install and configure V-Centre Server

4. Configure High Availability and DRS

Record the IP addressing scheme for your production network

Use a word processor to document the activities you performed:

  1. How did you install and configure V-Centre Server?  What are the steps?
  2. How did you configure High Availability and DRS?  What are the requirements for these to work?

Individual Tasks

1. Install VMware client and connect to the server

2. Perform a physical machine to virtual machine conversion. Only convert the system volume.

3. Create a VM template and make a clone from it

4. Create and use snapshots

Task 1

Install VMware client and connect to the server.

Task 2

You are have been provided with pc running a server operating system. You are required to perform a physical to virtual conversion of the system volume.  Do not convert the data volume.

Use a word processor to document the activities you performed:

  1. Record the IP address, username and password of the V-Centre server.
  2. What tool did you use to perform the physical to virtual conversion?
  3. Make a list of the tasks you performed when doing the physical to virtual conversion
  4. How did you test the correct operation of the Virtualized Machine?
  5. How did you integrate the virtual machine into the rest of the network?
  6. What tools or software will enhance the performance or manageability of the new virtual machine created by the conversion and how will you install them?

Task 3

  1. Create a Virtual Machine Template
  2. Create a clone from the template

Use a word processor to document the activities you performed:

  1. How did you test the correct operation of the Virtual Machine?
  2. How did you integrate the virtual machine into the rest of the network?

Task 4

Create a VM snapshot. Make changes to the VM and revert to the snapshot

Task 5

Test the High Availability environment to ensure that if a host fails VM’s are restarted on another host

Use a word processor to document the activities you performed:

How did you test the high availability environment and what were the results?

Task 6

Use the VCentre Server performance analyzer to determine network bandwidth utilization during VM migration and identify network bottlenecks.Use a word processor to record the results

Submission requirements

You are required to:

  1. Complete the written tasks on a word processor.
  2. Submit screenshots of you practical work
  3. Your completed work must be uploaded and submitted to this assessment screen.  You must click the Submit button.


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Reference no: EM132069492

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