Worksheet for Camilla Townsend’s Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma, Due at 11:59 pm, Sunday, September 19th.
Be as specific as possible when answering. The best answers will contain at least four complete sentences. Show me you did the reading by providing specific examples and parenthetical references to pages in the book. (Basically page cites, as in question 10 below.) At least half of your answers should include a quote. Type up and double-space your answers. All work should be done on your own. Answers will be run through TurnItIn and plagiarism will earn an F.
- In choosing to start from the Native American point of view, Townsend is already shifting the general approach to contact stories. How does Chapter 1 surprise you? What insight does it give you about the culture of Pocahontas’s people?
- The English came to America with certain assumptions. What were some of their critical expectations? Where did those expectations come from? (Chapter 2 will help here.)
- The Jamestown colony had problems from the very beginning. In what ways was that colony poorly equipped for success?
- How did we get the idea that Powhatan ever intended to execute Smith? What probably really happened after Smith was captured?
- Townsend shows that there have been many myths built up around Pocahontas. What are three myths that she discredits?
- Why does Pocahontas marry John Rolfe? How does this marriage change her life?
- After reading the book, what is your impression of John Smith?
- After reading the book, what is your impression of Powhatan (Pocahontas’ father)?
- After reading the book, what is your impression of Pocahontas?
- Townsend argues that, “When we allow [Pocahontas’s] story to unfold, we see not only that she herself was more than we thought, but that the moment of this country’s inception was different from what we have been led to believe.” (Townsend, xi) How does this book change your understanding of our country’s origins?
- In your view, which is the more interesting version of the Pocahontas story: the fact or the fiction? What is gained by correcting the myths? What might be lost?
- Why do you think Townsend wrote this book? As the author, what did she do well? What might she have done better?
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