K-12 education.

write a paper that explains what kind of curriculum framework your state currently uses for K-12 education. If your state did not adopt Common Core Standards (CCSS), explain why. If your state is currently deciding to change their standards, explain why? To find your state’s education website and the location of CCSS documents and discussion, see Start Here/Course Resources/Week 2/Week 2 Written Assignment, or do a web search for the state education department of your choice.

Your paper should address the following topics:

1. Whether the state’s curriculum framework currently uses standards, benchmarks, grade-level expectations, objectives, or a combination of these.

2. The teacher’s role in delivering lessons based on the curriculum. Think about the following…teacher-based, student-based, inquiry approach, scaffolding, and so on.

3. Whether the current curriculum framework includes any guidelines for classroom assessment.

4. How progress toward the standards, benchmarks, expectations, or objectives is measured and reported.

5. What a K-12 teacher should do to use assessments strategically to prepare students to develop through the curriculum outlined by the state’s framework.

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Reference no: EM132069492

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