Scenario choice:Public advocacyPublic advocacy: You have

Scenario choice:Public advocacy
Public advocacy: You have been engaged by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) to review their website. Write a report for RSPCA senior management that assesses the content, structure and purpose of the website with regard to the RSPCAs multiple audiences. The report should reference the websites of the RSPCA in the UK and the ASPCA in the United States, and make specific recommendations about what aspects of these sites, if any, could be included in the local site.
Write a 2000-word report based on one of four scenarios (listed below). Ensure your report clearly addresses the audience as outlined in the scenario, uses plain language, and is structured in line with answer first principles that advance the purpose of the report.
An exemplar report is in the Assessments 3 folder on Blackboard.
Reports should be 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, with the student name, student number, and page number in the footer. Use subheadings where appropriate. There is no need for a cover sheet. There is no need for academic-style referencing, but footnotes consistent with professional workplace documents can be used if required.
Submit via the Turnitin link below.
1. Corporate: You work in the corporate communications division at NewCo Foods. Your manager asks you to review how your major grocery rivals (Woolworths Group and Coles Group) approach their shareholder communications through their Annual Report to shareholders. You are asked to write a report that analyses the competitors approach to designing their annual report communications, what considerations are used in the structure of the reports, what major issues are covered in their 2020 reports, and how they are displayed online. Your report should make specific recommendations on how NewCo Foods should proceed with its annual reporting suite this year.
2. Public service: You are employed as a communications officer for the Federal Health Department. Your manager has asked you to write a report that reviews the communications effectiveness of the Australian Governments COVID-19 website. Your report should compare the local website with the approach taken by the New Zealand Ministry of Health and make specific recommendations about what aspects of the local website should be retained and what new features should be introduced.
3. Public advocacy: You have been engaged by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) to review their website. Write a report for RSPCA senior management that assesses the content, structure and purpose of the website with regard to the RSPCAs multiple audiences. The report should reference the websites of the RSPCA in the UK and the ASPCA in the United States, and make specific recommendations about what aspects of these sites, if any, could be included in the local site.
4. Public relations: You work for a full service PR agency that has been engaged to launch a new food and drink festival at the Gold Coast hinterland township of Mt Tamborine. Your manager has asked you to write a report about how similar festivals promote themselves through social and traditional media, and to make specific recommendations about promotional activity to publicise the Mt Tamborine event, as well as the types of events that have proven popular at other festivals. Your manager asks you to consider approaches taken by the Noosa Eat and Drink Festival, the Western Australia Gourmet Escape, and the Hawkes Bay Food and Wine Classic.

Reference no: EM132069492

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