Non-Academic Factor

Introduction: This brief section will be an overview of the topic

Requirements: This section will discuss how ESSA calls for serious consultation from teachers, principals, school board members, and others in crafting new accountability plans. How is your state handling that requirement?

Evaluation & Performance: This section will discuss how the new law allows states to ditch policies that tie teacher evaluations to student test scores. Is your state sticking with its evaluation plan anyway?

Non-Academic Factor: This section will discuss how states must include at least one non-academic factor in their new ESSA accountability systems. What do you think will they pick and why?

Low-Performing Schools: This section will discuss how states now get to decide how to intervene in low-performing schools. What strategies will they try and what kind of results will they get, compared with the federally-dictated models?

Common Core: This section will discuss how states no longer have the same federal incentive to stick with the Common Core standards. Do you think States will decide to stay the course anyway?




The post Non-Academic Factor first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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