Description of Art Experience and Activity Set-up

who you observed (your child, your niece, your neighbor etc.)
their age and name.
If you observed children in a classroom, give the age range and the number of students who participated during the experience.
Description of Art Experience and Activity Set-up
Date and Time of Implementation.
Include the starting and ending time for the Art Experience.
Location (Home, Early Childhood Center, Indoors, Outdoors)

Write a detailed paragraph addressing the following questions:

Describe your decision-making process in selecting the materials and provocation elements (why did you chose these materials). Using what we have been learning about creating a welcoming and inviting learning experience in lab and lecture what were the decisions behind your set-up?
Address how the materials were selected in relationship to each other. How do you see the material properties working together? Their relationships should be intentional and should not be because you “had a lot of these materials” or that “they all were art materials”.
Note: You will be graded based on your planning, preparation, and organization of this implementation. Include a description of your decision-making process in selecting the set-up location and time. Your Art Experience materials, provocation materials, and when and where you implement should be intentional.


Embed two (2) photos: (1) CLOSE UP photo of your ART ACTIVITY SET-UP AND one (1) at a distance to show the full set up. Taken prior to implementation of the experience.
Embed a minimum of three (3) and no more than four (4 )photos of the child(ren) engaged in the art activity.
Your documentation of children should not be staged. Do not include photos of them looking at the camera
Select photos of them engaged in their work.
Write a brief description of what the child was doing next to each photo.
Sizing: A single photo should be resized to a quarter of a page or less; photos should remain large enough to clearly see the image.

Images should be inserted into your typed document in line with your writing.

Do not attach images separately or at the end of the paper

Include any photos of modifications you may have made. Images should be inserted into your typed document . (Do not attach separately).


Write one detailed objective anecdote using the anecdote format.
Select a moment when the child you are observing (the one you chose for your anecdote) demonstrated problem solving, creativity, imagination etc.
Convert your notes from this moment into an anecdote.
DRDP 2015 Measure/s

Provide a minimum of two (2) measures that this anecdote supports
Give the name and number of a DRDP 2015 measures. Example: PD-HLTH 4 Fine Motor Manipulative Skills
Explain why you selected the measure- give example/s from your anecdote of what the child did or said that supports the measure/s
Preschool DRDP 2015: ( (Links to an external site.)Measures at a Glance can be found on the intro page 15):

Infant toddler DRDP-2015: (Links to an external site.)

Schoolage DRDP-2015: (Links to an external site.)


Write a detailed paragraph (or 2) addressing the following questions

Describe what the child/ren seemed to be exploring, investigating, trying to figure out or what the child found pleasurable, comforting, or intriguing.
Include examples from your observations.

Comment on and interpret the learning that occurred (for the child) through this exploration (e.g. spatial awareness, persistence, motor skills, problem solving etc). Support any ideas you have with your observation notes and documentation (photos).
An interpretation is your analysis or understanding of the child’s actions, behavior, and/or language, what they are learning or the skills they are displaying.
Decision Making:

Write a detailed paragraph addressing the following:

Describe what you would do next to support the child’s interest based on what you observed in this experience (a follow up experience).
Back up your ideas to moments you observed during the observation

The post Description of Art Experience and Activity Set-up first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Reference no: EM132069492

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