Analysis of a current and relatable issue

write a 8 to 10 page researched argument convincing your reader of a problem that exists that directly affects you and your peers and a possible solution for the problem.

develop an analysis of a current and relatable issue, propose a solution, and explain the reason(s) your solution is the best course of action
be based on an appropriate, manageable topic using at least ten credible, relevant, in-depth, and current sources
use a variety of sources appropriate to the topic, such as books, popular and scholarly periodical articles, websites, interviews, surveys, or audiovisual material (Note: of the final sources, only two general Internet sources, such as websites or articles published on the open web that do not appear in a reputable publication, will count towards the 10 required sources)
develop an analysis or persuasive argument related to the topic, rather than present a report on information about the topic (convince the reader that you are correct, versus just laying out information)
Integrate at least 3 multimodal elements—or ways of presenting your ideas other than text (e.g. images, video, audio, etc.)—into the report
be written to engage a college-level a


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Reference no: EM132069492

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