Write a report (1) outlining the research that you have found, providing your analysis of whether the school complies with Title IX based on the federal governments three-part test, specifically applying each element of that test to the facts, and (3) providing your recommendations moving forward to assure that institutions compliance with Title IX.

For this report, you are to examine a university athletic department and determine if it is complying with Title IX and, if not, how to get the school in compliance.

Select a Division I university in the Big Ten Conference. Research that schools student population numbers, male-female student population ratios, student-athlete numbers, and male-female student-athlete ratios. You also will want to research the schools athletic facilities for men and women, coaching staffing, and travel schedules.

Write a report (1) outlining the research that you have found, providing your analysis of whether the school complies with Title IX based on the federal governments three-part test, specifically applying each element of that test to the facts, and (3) providing your recommendations moving forward to assure that institutions compliance with Title IX.

You shall be graded on your complete and proper explanation of the elements of the case brief and language usage, all as noted below. The report must be no more than 3,000 words and is to be submitted in typed, double-spaced form.


  • Write a report (1) outlining the research that you have found, providing your analysis of whether the school complies with Title IX based on the federal governments three-part test, specifically applying each element of that test to the facts, and (3) providing your recommendations moving forward to assure that institutions compliance with Title IX.
  • Discuss and analyze financing strategies to maximize stakeholder value.
  • Discuss a sexual health with straight and LGBTQ identified patients?
  • Explain how does organizational culture impact on an organizations performance?
  • Write a double spaced introductory cover letter in which you explain your professional objectives, professional interests, and strengths as an applicant.
  • Describe the problem and its impact within the chosen country.
  • Explain the rationale for choosing the model you have selected over the other models in Chapters 1 and 3 or other parts of the course text (one or two sentences per model only), and Make sure you consider the effects of the change on the companys shareholders, employees, and customers, as well as on society and the environment.
  • What are three socioeconomic issues the country faces?
  • Explain how defunding the police would affect our communities.
  • Why is this important to patient care and improving the quality of care and adding to the body of knowledge.
Reference no: EM132069492

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