:How has analyzing the world of the play (Fuchs) and its dramatic structure (Ball) in this course influenced your understanding theatrical storytelling?

1:How has analyzing the world of the play (Fuchs) and its dramatic structure (Ball) in this course influenced your understanding theatrical storytelling?
2: Provide at least three specific examples and please refer to specific plays we covered.
3: What aspect of theatre are you most interested in (directing, designing, acting, dramaturgy, etc.) and which system of analysis would be most helpful to you in analyzing plays (Fuchs or Ball)? Please list specific possible examples of how you might apply these forms of analysis to future work and how it would benefit you.
What will be your greatest take-away from this class? Has it changed any of your previous notions of plays or theatre in general?

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  • :How has analyzing the world of the play (Fuchs) and its dramatic structure (Ball) in this course influenced your understanding theatrical storytelling?
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Reference no: EM132069492

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