What the internet is doing to our brains” by Nicholas Carr; “The Upside of Technology?

An original thesis statement making an argument about your piece of technology. Your paper/thesis could address ONLY one of the following questions:

How has/will this technology affect human relationships? Is it helping bring people together or is it pushing people apart? Is there a way in which this technology lessens the quality of interactions we have with one another?

2) Evidence drawn from at least 5 sources to support your thesis. You must include in your sources at least: 2 readings from this class (“What the internet is doing to our brains” by Nicholas Carr; “The Upside of Technology? It’s Personal” by Nick Bilton; The End of Solitude by William Deresiewicz) AND three other articles from your own library research (3 academic journal articles from the ELAC databases)

3). Include an opposing viewpoint and counterargument in your essay. You select where to include the opposing argument.


  • What the internet is doing to our brains” by Nicholas Carr; “The Upside of Technology?
  • What are the major forces and factors disabling democracies around the world and in the United States?
  • Write on the breadth and significance of the claims (you can find them in the end of the patent).
  • What are the qualifications outlined under this law to be appointed to the Canadian Senate?
  • Explain how executive pay typically is determined?
  • What role does a firms vision statement play in corporate and competitive strategies?
  • Explain and examine how nonverbal behaviors affect interviewer ratings of candidates.
  • What is the purpose of picketing during a strike?
  • What does Sundiata tell us about West African history and culture before European arrival?
  • Explain how global inequality affect your life for better and/or worse.
Reference no: EM132069492

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